

Dilemma 1: A child in your class was abandoned by his mother and is being cared for by an uncle and his girlfriend, whom you suspect may be drug dealers. Your staff has documented numerous instances of neglect and emotional abuse, which you reported to your local childcare protective services (CPS) agency. An investigation is […]

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English 101

You will work with communication studies concepts while critically analyzing published research. This project consists of the following: Abstract (1–2 paragraphs) Literature Review (4–5 pages) Reference Page Annotated Bibliography (6–8 sources) Objective: The Research Project’s aim is to build skills in academic writing, specifically in applying APA style standards, reading research, and writing a literature […]

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Major body systems

examine major body systems involved in the stress response and how coping mechanisms can help with health and wellness. How do the coping mechanisms directly affect the major body systems involved in the stress response?

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English 101

-Goethe, Faust: “Wood and Cave,” “Gretchen’s Room,” “Martha’s Garden,” “At the Well,” “City Wall,” “Night,” “Cathedral” (pp. 311-358). one paragraph only.. full paragraph journal about this reading, if you didnt find the book go to sparknotes.

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Barry McKeown Lecture Series with Dr. Leah Robinson

The video links are down below. They are in two parts. Title: “Getting the fundamentals: the importance of motor skills to children’s growth and development” Dr. Robinson’s research agenda takes a developmental approach to three complementary areas: motor skill acquisition, physical activity, and developmental health in preschool and school-age children. She seeks to understand the […]

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Coffee / subtitle: trade not aid

This is a persuasive essay on coffee commodity of 1200 words. ethos, pathos , logos should be used in this essay , The essay should persuade the reader that fair trade coffee is important to coffee growers and farmers and would benefit them a lot , and the essay should show why is it important, […]

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English 101

choose Shakespeare’s Sonnet 73 and Dickinson’s “Because I Could Not Stop for Death.” Compare the two poems using one or more of the elements we have been over. For example, if you chose the two poems above, you might compare the use of figurative language and the use of sound devices. Your thesis should have […]

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Geology (and other Earth Sciences)

1. Step 1: Pick a topic from the topic list below (or find a geology-related paper of interest to you). 2. Step 2: Find information on this topic utilizing the campus library (or any other library), periodicals, magazines, books, or any other source. You must use a minimum of 5 resource references. Two or three […]

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Healthcare Management Practices

Capstone Project For this course project, you will select a hypothetical hospital that is failing in your area. You will prepare a report on how you will examine the challenges faced by the hospital and recommend ways to turn the hospital around to make it successful. You will proceed with the project as guided and […]

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SLP 3 – Distribution & Marketing Plan

Call to Action How do you get the consumer to your site or social media? This is the exciting part of the promotion process – using creative tools to drive traffic to your site. Sizing up the competition online Use research from quality graduate-level resources and web searches of competitors: Analyze at least one competitor […]

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