1. What types of services does your online company offer?  


We offer expertise in writing all levels and types of academic papers. A list of our services will give you details on the papers we produce. They range from high school essays to doctorate thesis and dissertation.  


2. How qualified are your writers?


writers are professional and produce academic papers for any educational level because they have significant experience in the writing industry. They are learned people with creativity, skills and academic credit in multiple disciplines. Your work will be assigned to a writer according to his/ her area of specialty so that it is of maximum quality. Their command of the English language is outstanding and their gusto in writing credible academic papers is assured. In case the writer must have any particular software or literature in order to get the assignment done, please do not forget to mention this in your initial instructions.   


3. Is it certain that my assignment will be completed on time?


Yes, we guarantee you that you will receive your completed assignment in due time and according to your requirements. In the event that we encounter any difficulty in the process of developing your paper we will inform you prior to its due date otherwise we only attend to orders we can execute with precision.


4. Do you uphold confidentiality in your services?


Our services are confidential because we highly respect your personal information. We practice integrity and utmost discretion by ensuring that your phone number, your name and email address are private. Our website has specific numbers which our support team will use to contact you for further clarifications. For the payment process, your credit card information will only be used in the billing form.


5. What is the samples service?

We offer sample services to familiarize you with our writers’ formats and styles while executing writing assignments. Before a writer is assigned to work on your paper, we give you the opportunity to view and assess his or her output and skills. Our sample service is also affordable. If you are not satisfied with the samples, you can request for those from another writer.


6. How do I fill in the inquiry form?


Go to the order form and specify your topic, page count (excluding the title and the bibliography page), delivery date, and the number of sources. Specify how you would like your order to look like. Indicate the course title, writing style, and any other important details so that the writer gets a vivid aspect of what you need done to avoid dissatisfaction.You can also place a free inquiry if you have complicated instructions for the order and want to double check if we are able to complete it.  We will send you the payment link only after an appropriate writer is found.


7. How can I contact you to place an order?


Visit our website and sign yourself in as a new user to have an account opened for you. This will activate your personal order page. When you have an order to place, log into your account and place your order, giving your specifications.


8. What is my personal order page and how does it function


This is a customer’s customized page where we get to track the progress of an order, upload the required materials and communicate with both the writer and administrator. This is made possible by different tabs available. For example, an “All orders”  tab that assists in tracking your order’s history with us and clearly displays the list of your current projects, finished or cancelled.


9. What should I do if I forget my password?


You will need your personal password for your account when you are placing an order with us. However, if you forget your password, we have provided a link that will guide you and give you clues that will help you remember your password.

10. How do I retrieve my completed paper?


After completion of the task, your paper is delivered to your personal order page in a PDF preview format for you to go through. If satisfied with the type of work done, you will approve the work and it will be sent to your email address. If you need revision, please request for free revision and indicate a new revision deadline alongside your specifications.


11. What should I do if I am not satisfied with my completed paper?


In such a case, you are required to give a few comments on what exactly you need changed in the paper and specify the time frame you need the minor changes done. However, if you need a great amount of alterations in your paper, you will be required to pay a n extra fee that will depend on the amount of work that needs to be done.


12. What should I do if I do not receive my paper within the required time frame?


In the case of a delay, we recommend that you contact us immediately. This can either be through calling or sending us an e-mail. Your work may not have been completed as the writer is awaiting communication from your side concerning some unclear detail in order to get the work completed.


13. Are there plagiarism cases in completed orders?


We have a team of professional writers who are trained on ethical issues and produce original work. Plagiarism is therefore not a common case with us. Originality in our services is guaranteed. However for double surety, our plagiarism checker will ensure that your completed paper is not identical to any other. Also, our editors will proofread the paper and check its originality before it’s sent to you..


14. Is there a database of pre-written essays?


We do keep a database of previously completed orders only to ensure that all the papers are plagiarism-free and the writers do not resubmit their previous orders, which have already been checked by our plagiarism detection software. These are also available so that the customer can gauge the quality of a writer’s work.

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