
David Berkowitz (Son of Sam)

David Berkowitz (Son of Sam) Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Abstract Today, the topical area of serial murder generates much interest among scholars in the U.S. Walter (2017) believes there is no country in the contemporary world that do not have serial killers among them, thus creating the urge to work towards regulating or ceasing their […]

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War and Violence in the Bible from the perspective of Buddhist Tradition

War and Violence in the Bible from the perspective of Buddhist Tradition Reading the Bible, one learns of many wars and violence, thus raising the question whether God supported such conflicts and confrontations. Buddhism, on the other hand, has for many centuries been regarded as a religion of non-violence and peace. The religion’s widening vitality […]

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The Refugee Early Childhood Acculturation and Integration into US Education Systems: Exploring Resettlement Organizational Leaders’ Perceptions and Experiences

The Refugee Early Childhood Acculturation and Integration into US Education Systems: Exploring Resettlement Organizational Leaders’ Perceptions and Experiences Maryam 9/29/2020 Chapter 1: Introduction Many families throughout the world are forced to leave their home countries. Due to the movement into a new country, the children face challenges such as learning a new language, different culture, […]

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Ethnographic Study in Strategic Communication

Ethnographic Study in Strategic Communication Student’s Name: Institutional Affiliation: Ethnographic Study in Strategic Communication Strategic communication (SC) has become very popular over the last two decades. It generally refers to the fusing of communication efforts with a master plan and an agenda. The master plan entails promoting the products of an organization, urging consumers to […]

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Consumer Behavior Intervention Project

Consumer Behavior Intervention Project Name: College: Course name/number: Professor’s name: Assignment number: Date: Consumer Behavior Intervention Project Executive Summary The marketing effectiveness of online ads that are pushed through social media platforms was being challenged by the paring of these ads with toxic and controversial content. Some large brands like Unilever, AT&T and Verizon, who […]

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HOW DID CHINA COME UP WITH IT’S OWN MODEL OF DEVELOPMENT, AND WHY IS IT SUCCESSFUL? Student’s Name Class Date How did China come up with its own model of development, and why is it successful? The Chinese development model that pursues economic rather than political liberalisation and is based on the socialist market economy […]

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Green Marketing and Its Impact on Consumers

Green Marketing and Its Impact on Consumers Student’s Name: Institutional Affiliation: Green Marketing and Its Impact on Consumers Introduction With the growing concern on the deterioration of the environment, more business have developed increasing awareness for the importance of its preservation which has been demonstrated by their utilization of green marketing. This concept is currently […]

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Is the pay rise being replaced with other benefits?

Is the pay rise being replaced with other benefits? Student’s Name: Institutional Affiliation: Is the pay rise being replaced with other benefits? This report is about human resource management in a global environment and investigates the perceptions of undergraduates in the 21st century employability skills that facilitate the development of career adapt-abilities in the context […]

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Is pay rise being replaced with other benefits?

Is pay rise being replaced with other benefits? Student’s Name: Institutional Affiliation: Is the pay rise being replaced with other benefits? This report is about human resource management in a global environment and investigates the perceptions of undergraduates in the 21st century employability skills that facilitate the development of career adapt-abilities in the context of […]

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Introduction to Nursing Research

Introduction to Nursing Research Student’s Name: Institutional Affiliation: Introduction to Nursing Research: Two Qualitative Research Articles Papaspurou, M., Laschou, V. C., Partsiopoulou, P., Fradelos, E. C., Kleisiaris, C. F., Kalota, M. A., … & Papathanasiou, I. V. (2015). Fears and Health Needs of Patients with Diabetes: A Qualitative Research in Rural Population. Medical Archives, 69(3), 190. doi: 10.5455/medarh.2015.69.190-195 […]

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