

Manage your time better and achieve high grades:  Studying requires skillful time management. However, personal and/or work related engagements can make even the best students lack time for their studies. This definitely results in poor results and by extension protracted academic periods. However, with our custom writing services, this need not be the case. At Accurate Essays we guarantee that you will attain high grades and still have adequate time to attend to other matters.


About Us:


Accurate Essays consists of a dedicated team of writers, editors/proofreaders in addition to a support team who have been in the business of writing custom essays for the last four years.

Our goal is to ensure that all our custom essay services attain the highest level of professionalism, completed to the customer’s specification and delivered within the stipulated time.

We are staffed with highly qualified writers who have specialized in the various academic fields such as Business Studies, Law, History and Literature among other fields. This in itself acts as a guarantee that all our custom essays attain high standards to the satisfaction of the customer.

In the event you want to make an enquiry concerning your custom essay, our customer support team operates around the clock hence ensuring that you, the customer, is attended to at any given time.


Benefits of using our services


  1. High Quality Jobs –Our custom essays are written by highly qualified writers with the necessary academic credentials. We therefore guarantee you high grades by using our service.
  2. Authenticity/Plagiarism Free- All our custom essays are authentic and are written me from scratch by our writers. In addition, we have plagiarism detection software, whichhelp ensure that all the essays 100% original.
  3. Confidentiality- At Accurate Essays, we are committed to protecting your privacy hence any information shared by the customer when making an enquiry on our custom essay services is kept confidential at all levels.
  4. 24 hours support service- Ordinarily, you as the customer, may need to make enquiries regarding the custom essay before and after placing an order with us. To this end, Accurate Essays consists of a 24 hour customer care departmentwho will attend to your needs at an given time or day.
  5. Timely Delivery of all custom papers-We are committed to ensuring that our custom essay is delivered within and if necessary before the due date. This provides the customer with time to go through the paper and recommend any changes if necessary.
  6. Revision Policy-We provide free revision services incase the custom essay does not meet the customer’s requirements. This is based on our commitment in ensuring that all our custom essays are of the highest quality.
  7. Affordable Pricing-Our prices are the most competitive when it comes to comes to custom essay services. We also factor in discounts based on the size of the custom essay besides customer loyalty. We understand that as a student that you may have financial constraints and hence endeavor to make our prices as pocket friendly as possible.



All inclusive custom writing services


Our custom writing services is inclusive of all types of essays from dissertations to literature reviews to research papers in any given field as indicated in the services column. Our experienced writers who have been involved in essay writing for the last five years will work on your custom essay to the best of their ability and hence ensure that you attain high grades.


We guarantee 100% Authenticity


You may have reservations in regard to the authenticity of our custom writing services. This is understandable and normal as cases of plagiarism are not entirely new in the field of custom writing. At accurate Essays, you can be assured that your paper will be 100% original as it will be worked on by highly qualified professional writers. Furthermore, we have in place systems which can detect even the slightest instance of plagiarism.


24/7 Customer Support


After placing your order, it is likely that you will want to monitor the progress of your paper. This is important as it ensures that your paper is worked on according to the initial instructions and hence avoids cases of revisions/rewriting. To this end, our customer support system which works round the clock will ensure that all your inquiries are addressed and you are kept up to date on the progress of your paper.


Placing an order with us


Placing an order with us is quite easy. To begin with, click on the “ORDER YOUR CUSTOM ESSAY” button. This will direct you to the order form where you will be able to input the exact details of your order. Once you have completed this process, an account will be automatically opened for you.  Whenever you wish to place an order, log into your account and repeat this procedure.

In the event you are not sure whether or not your paper can be worked on it is advisable that you place an inquiry with us first. This will be forwarded to our team of professional writers who will then give feed back on how best the order can be worked on.

In the event your are not fully satisfied with the paper upon delivery, we offer free revision services as long as the original instructions have not been altered.

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