Wrapping up – Reflection

Wrapping up – Reflection


Access, participation and support can be said to be the key features that define high inclusive childcare programs. These features are important for all rounded development of a child. This goes hand in hand with the Division for Early Childhood {DEC) & National Association for the Education of Young Children {NAEYC} statement, “The defining features of inclusion that can be used to identify high quality early childhood programs and services are access, participation, and supports” (DEC & NAEYC, 2009, p. 2).


High inclusive childcare programs will dictate that there is provision of a wide range of learning opportunities. A child will only be able to learn if they are exposed to various learning environments. Such learning environments can take place in organizational contexts such as, homes, childcare and recreational centers. For instance, the home is the center through which the child gets to learn her language (Hunter & American Psychological Association, 2000). The home is also the first initiator of the sense of belonging.

The concept of universal design is important in facilitating inclusion. Universal design will help remove physical and structural barriers. Universal Design for Learning will help in coming up with a variety of formats and instructions. Such will ensure that whichever way, the child is able to learn. This puts into consideration the fact that children respond differently to various learning formats and instructions. The use of alternative methods and formats increases the chances of learning new ideas.


Access to various learning environment is not enough to facilitate inclusive learning and development. A child may access the various learning opportunities but may never use them exhaustively. As such, there is need for individualized programs that will ensure there is the child’s participation. Specialized programs are important in ensuring that there is participation of the child. This entails dealing with the child depending on their reaction to various issues and their response to the same. Specialized programs entail the study of the strengths and the weaknesses of a child (Hunter & American Psychological Association, 2000).

Social and emotional development helps facilitate participation. Children are likely to participate more in learning environments if they have the sense of belonging. As such, all the stakeholders in child development including parents and instructors must undertake to boost up the morale of the child and ensure they have the sense of belonging. Morale is a necessity ingredient for a child’s participation in learning. For instance, a child that has low self-esteem is likely to keep of engaging in games with other children in their estate.


              Children are beings who rely on the aid of parents and other people in order to grow. As such, supports are an important feature to be considered in order to achieve quality Early Childhood Development programs. There is therefore the need for both material and moral support from the stakeholders in Early Childhood Development. For instance, differentiated instruction will only be effective if there is corporation between the teachers and the parents. A tutor may design a program for a slow learner but this may only work if the parents are willing to support. This is because it calls for extra routine measures that will require the parent’s hand.

Stakeholders such as parents should have access to the ongoing professional programs being offered in various learning environments. Such a measure will ensure that there is a backup to the already existing learning system. This will ensure the goals and the intentions of learning in various environments is fully achieved. This calls for the need to have multiple communication channels that will facilitate coordination among the various stakeholders {National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC, 2009). The therapies given in the process of learning should be well coordinated. This will help do away with conflicting learning strategies.

















National Association for the Education of Young Children, (NAEYC). (2009). Early Childhood Inclusion, North Carolina, NC: University of North Carolina

Hunter, W. S., & American Psychological Association. (2000), Psychological abstracts, Volume 90, New York, NY, International children’s rights monitor

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