Victory: One Word at a Time

Victory: One Word at a Time

Writing a communicative essay is something that has challenged many aspiring writers due to lack of an interpersonal communication enhancement strategy. In addition, English is a language that requires the writer to have desired and confidence. Meaning that as an English writer, I had to give maximum interest upon my writing because passion and desire expands the mind. On my side, during the first moments of writing an English essay, I was not perfect. Several corrections were needed before handing my papers. My tutor always had to correct my grammar because it had many mistakes. This also applies to many life instances through which success requires dedication and sacrifice. In relation to this, for me to learn how to write well, I had to assign a lot of time so that I can study English in a more effective way.

Challenges as a writer were numerous because English is my second language. In the past, I had been influenced heavily by my native language. This is because I had used mother tongue for over twenty-years. In order for me to come up with proper English writing, I had to find a way to eliminate my poor vocabulary. There are many English words in the English language. I realized that it is not necessary to master all the words. The only thing that helped me was the ability to master few words. Through the knowledge of these words, I managed to utilize them to construct a meaningful sentence. The fact that many of my classmates knew about my weakness in grammar meant that I had to toil to learn it. Although I had learnt numerous and extensive vocabulary, it was not necessary for me to apply all the words in my writing. Another challenge that came my way was that of forgetting the new words that I had learned. Therefore, I had to put in use the new words that I had learned in order to evade forgetting. Despite the challenges I had faced, I had to take stock of what my achievements this far in order to move on to the next stage of learning.

After I had mastered my language, I was convinced that I was able to write an English article. However, relevance in my mode of writing essays was lacking because I was staying out of the main subject. To solve this problem, I created an imagery question that kept me focused to the main subject of my essay. With this ringing in my mind, the connection of ideas quickly flowed in my mind enhancing my quick sentence formation. In addition, to actualize better ideal writing, I carefully consulted my content in terms of wording thereby keeping the relationship of the body and the topic. Now that the theoretical part of it was done, I had to practice what I had learnt to bring about an actual work of writing.

The essay was aptly titled, “Do Free Product Offerings Hurt or Help a Business’ Bottom-line?” I evaluated myself constantly in my content through asking my self, questions that acted as guideline to sustain me in the main topic. Arranging my work required me to ensure that each paragraph introduced a new idea regarding the topic. This meant that the first sentence in every paragraph introduced the topic that I had to put across. In addition, even with the introduction of minor content that aided in explaining, I was careful to ensure that I do not divert, or over emphasize them. This also really helped me to keep the relevance character in all my writing.

In writing a better essay, such as “Children Education Against Obesity”, I learned that the points that I was arguing about had to have the ability to speak independently. Meaning that, I did not have to use the signposting words to guide the tutor. This way, the connection of ideas had to flow to convince the tutor that I was aware of what I am arguing about at that moment. Through this way, to make my essay to be sound I had to ensure there was coherence in the outlay of ideas and relativity. Consequently, it is said that essay structures should be self-evident, meaning that you should not struggle to explain details of the main issue. This helped me much in time management because I assigned a specific time bracket to every topic. These ideas also helped me keep roaming around the main theme hence elaborating my intentions in a correct format. Although signposting may vary from one topic to another, it was important to ensure that if I use them, they introduce that topic in a coherent status. Through this way, the flow of ideas was the target in my entire work. This is because, irrespective of the vocabulary used, an essay should clearly be self-explanatory in terms of ideas. Therefore, in my journey to recover my English world, I have found confidence to be the key in explaining ideas.

.           In engaging myself in much essay writing, I have realized a tremendous growth in the way I put across my ideas. This is because essays are not only applicable in class but also in the out class regions. Therefore, in writing I have to set a goal in order for me to be on the safe side because we are living in a competitive dynamic world. A quality essay is a representation of the outcome of certain effort and so, there is no need to explain to the tutor about the manner you have worked. With this connection, an acceptable essay has to be pleasing to both the writer and the tutor. I managed to over come all these challenges through establishing confidence deep within me.

In retrospect, my skills came because of the willingness and the desire to change my mode of learning. In many instances, there are problems I incur, but my desire to be dynamic in the mode of writing has created a positive ability. The desire and devotion in essay writing has given me remarkable improvement that has greatly demonstrated my ability in essay writing. This is because with the little vocabulary, I have managed to utilize my words effectively to show coherence in my work. With the recent constant evaluation, the assurance that I have in my work and command in English has enhanced more improvement in my literature. This success has come through ensuring I keep relevancy in my entire work by coordinating ideas well. The steady evaluation through creation of imagery and questions has enhanced coherence of ideas also in my work. In addition, I have ensured my essays are self-explanatory in the way I present them. This gives me an easier time to achieve the desired writing level. Sequentially, with easy use of vocabulary, I have been able to save time and outlay understandable themes.

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