Unit 2 Section 1 and Section 2

Unit 2 Section 1 and Section 2

Section 1

  1. The most competitive industry that I am familiar with is the fast food industry. Current recent research contexts suggest that Americans spend more money on fast food than they do on higher education and entertainment. With restaurants and fast food chains such as McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy’s, Starbucks and others leading the way, this industry is a crowded market. The industry has undergone many changes in order to attract many people who have different eating habits. Americans are consequently changing their eating habits and the industry is quick to adapt to these changes. With the increase in competition, consumers are getting better services.
  2. Researchers argue that collusion and price fixing are ploys adopted by various companies to create brand awareness and maximize profit through unbiased brand recognition. Consequently, current market trends among leading industrial figures in particular sectors reflect on this behavior as a means to deem relevance and market strength. Some time ago for instance, there was an advert by Coca Cola, PepsiCo and Dr Pepper Snapple Group, three giant soft drink companies, advertising their calorie-reduced products. The three beverage companies are the biggest competitors in the U.S yet they teamed up to advertise their reduced calorie drinks. In addition to this, the amounts of healthy drinks that can be sold in schools have been reduced. The reason I think that there was market collusion and price fixing is that the three are not competing against each other for sales in school – at least not in that advert. The collusion it would seem was reached through the understanding that their individual product dominance would not limit those of their market competitors. Eventually however, the norm in all the aforementioned trends still seems to gear towards maintaining individual market relevance and recognition within the aforementioned American setting. They have also colluded towards healthy beverages by limiting the quantity that can be sold to schools, which may be seen as a way of enhancing their social responsibility as major industry players within the American setting.
  3. If left alone, the pharmaceutical companies in America would take advantage of the public and either charge them more than they are really supposed to pay or collaborate with the lawmakers to alter drug therapy regimes within the American Public and Private Health setting. To limit such trends, the American government seems to have utilized the rather liberal judicial system to deter acts of unjustified profiteering among pharmaceutical companies. Americans have made a wise decision by providing that possibility of legal action incase of malpractice and in turn, they are getting better services. It does not really matter that they spend a little more money to in health care than those in Canada. What matters is the health benefit they derive. There is indeed an economic advantage in the lawsuits.
  4. The supply of labor curve does not always slope upwards to the right. It bends over backwards after some time of initial increase. This can be explained by the fact that a person may be attracted to higher wages and will be willing to work more hours. However, the person will have a greater utility with the initial increase in wages. Afterwards, the utility will be experienced more in terms of the hours that the person is not working rather than the wages that he or she is getting. Given a choice to work more hours during the week, I would be more satisfied with the hours where I am getting more rest.
  5. Organized labor abuses its power by forcing workers to pay for their unions, failure to which they can be fired from their jobs. The right to work policy is one of the best decisions that Oklahoma made. I agree that it attracts more business and therefore keeps prices lower. Organized labor has proved to be a burden to workers. They are usually forced to pay for contributions and this affects their morale for working. In a right to work state, the workers are free and there is no one breathing down their necks and forcing them to engage in politicking and campaigning. This goes a long way in motivating them and increasing work output.

Section 2

  1. The American labor movement did have political problems. When the movement began, blacks were encouraged to join the movement so that they could fight for their rights. After a while, their involvement was discouraged since, as they were informed, they were preventing the movement from expanding. Afterwards, the workers salaries were reduced and they retaliated with violence. The government and the rest of the people had an indifferent attitude concerning the violence since there was a lot of property that was destroyed. The movement cooled down for a while and they tried to avoid violence.
  2. The first thing that labor unions in an area where there is mining is to consider the safety of the employees. This is because mining can be a dangerous activity if the necessary precautions are not taken.

The union also has an obligation to ensure that the employees are aware of the environmental implications of the mining industry. One of their goals will therefore be to ensure that the employees do not engage in anything that will cause environmental degradation.

  1. Rogers State University is not a monopolist in the hiring of faculty. It is an equal opportunity employer and it considers people of all races, age, color, origin, status and any other person. It is not the only employer of faculty. There are many universities in and around Oklahoma offering various degrees, diploma and postgraduate courses. Its unique nature of being the first public university in Oklahoma to offer bachelor degrees via the internet may again serve as an added advantage to advancing this argument.
  2. Despite all the bad things that are associated with labor unions, they have had some positive effects on the lives of people. In some cases, they have been instrumental in fighting for people’s rights to have higher wages and, enjoy more benefits. On the other hand, unions fight for employees working hours. They fight for shorter hours and this has negatively affected productivity. The level of productivity has decreased because people no longer work for many hours.
  3. When people formed labor unions in the past, they did so because they were fighting for just causes. There were many who were abused at their work places and people did not know their rights. As time has passed, things have changed. People are more informed of their rights. The working conditions in most places have improved and people are compensated in a generous manner. If things continue as they are, perhaps there will not be any need for labor unions. However, there are those who look for every opportunity to exploit the people. Such employers have to be kept in check. Therefore, although there has been tremendous growth, there is still a need for labor unions.


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