Tourism Planning and Policy: The Island Of Majorca


Tourism Planning and Policy: The Island Of Majorca




Tourism Planning and Policy: The Island Of Majorca

Background of Destination

The Island of Majorca is very popular for its location and the tourist services it offers to its visitors. The destination was discovered because of its beautiful scenery and its location along the Mediterranean. Based in Spain, its recognition came after World War II and the discovery of its potential was overwhelming. The government was supportive towards its development and the process of enhancing the tourism policies so that it would be manageable for people to visit the country with The Island of Majorca as the main target (Molz, 2004, pg 3). The recovery from the world wars meant that the people of Europe had more funds to tour the continent. This was convenient for the island because Spain had eased the procedures necessary for entering the country thus making access easier. After having people sample the area, the destination provided rates that were more favorable for their visits, which was also an attraction in its own right. In addition, the environment and its location along the coastline was also a source of attraction. This was how the destination developed to what it is today – one of the most sought after tourist spots.

Economic Impact

The country enjoys more economic benefits rather than detriments from tourism. Economically, the country, and especially the region, has benefited from the direct revenue that is earns from the tourism activities. These activities range from income from fares involved in visits, sales of artifacts, as well as rent in the residences that the tourists use during their stay on the island. The economic impact is also evident as the country compromised major industries such as agriculture so that the tourism industry became the most financially relied on (Lis, 2010, pg 7).

Socio – cultural Impact

There has also been a major socio-cultural impact where the society has been exposed to new cultural activities. The indigenous practices have been integrated into those that various tourists bring to the island. As a result, different cultures are shared and new practices are adopted by the society bringing forth a clear socio-cultural impact.

Environmental Impact

Tourism in The Island of Majorca has also had an impact on the environment. Mcatravel, (2011) argues that tourism in this region has had both positive and negative impacts with the negative impact being more pronounced (pg 1). It is quite clear that the natural aspects of the country as they now appear are very different from what they were a few decades ago. First, the environment has changed drastically because of enhanced visits to the country by tourists that come from all over the world, and especially from Britain and Germany. Agriculture was the main source of income and revenue at some point in the Island. However, this changed with the enhancement of tourism activities that led to the government making an essential decision considering the economic standards of the country.

The tourism sector was prioritized such that more resources would be channeled to the industry. This required restructuring and the government increasing the number of buildings that would be available for the tourists to stay in. The agricultural land was converted for any investment that would be beneficial to the tourists. Thus, the look of the environment changed from agricultural to an urban setting of many buildings all over the island (Mcatravel, 2011, pg 1). The Island of Majorca quickly rose to a mass tourism region that became the basic activity in the country but at the detriment of its environment. The landscape was degraded, and even the beaches that have been used to attract the visitors have been interfered with (Molz, 2004, pg 5).

Limitations and Barrier

The major limitation in tourism expansion is the fact that pollution is on the increase because of too much urbanization. As previously discussed, agriculture is at its minimum, which means that many natural activities are suspended, and that air pollution is increased. This reduces the number of tourists showing interest in the island. Secondly, with the hard economic times and seasonal nature of the tourism industry, visits have reduced which is a limitation to expansion. Natives of The Island of Majorca are also quite traditional and cultured which makes it quite difficult for the tourists to adopt. A combination of these factors has acted as a limitation to the growth of the tourism industry.

Sustainability and Development

Buswell (2011) is particular on management of tourism and argues that with the current competition and the growth of the industry, sustainability and development is quite necessary (pg. 102). With focus on The Island of Majorca, much has been compromised for the sake of building the industry to what it is today. It has in fact become the main income earner in the region, and thus has more than one aspect associated to it. In the sector, there are hotels, beaches and other infrastructure that need to be managed. Sustainability is therefore an essential dimension that is needed and can only be achieved through the professional handling of the supportive aspects of the industry such as through hotel management.

Solution and Implementation

With the existing problems that act as barriers and limitations to development of the tourism industry, the main solution would be to tackle the issues both individually and collectively. First, the government needs to plan the urbanization process properly so that the pollution threat can be eliminated (Molz, 2004: pg 8). The best solution also for the seasonal nature of the industry is to focus more on the quality rather than the quantity of the trade. This can be implemented by focusing attention on a smaller group that is ready to pay more to receive the best, thereby reducing worry on the seasonal nature and recession (Lis, 2010: pg 9). To solve the issue of cultural disparity, the region can use its culture as a way of attracting tourists. This is workable when the focus is on matters that make the country distinct and as part of handling tourists, they should be familiarized with the region’s beautiful culture.

Conclusion and Recommendation

It is quite clear that the best way to achieve economic stability as a region is identifying the strongholds that can generate the most income. It is noted that in The Island of Majorca, much emphasis was put on the development of the tourism sector that was clearly a boost for the locals. However, like any activity, there were some limitations but these can be solved with the use of professional help. Therefore, it would be best if the region recognized the importance of tourism and employed all available resources towards securing the sector and ensuring that all other industries were improved in the process.




Buswell, J. (2011). Mallorca and Tourism: History, Economy and Environment. Buffalo, Channel View Publications

Lis, S. (2010). Impacts of Tourism – An Assignment about the Development of Tourism In Majorca. MüNchen, GRIN Verlag Gmbh. Retrieved from Http://NbnResolving.De/Urn:Nbn:De:101:1-201009165816.

Mctravell. (2011). The impact of tourism on rural life in Mallorca. Balearic Islands. Retrieved from

Molz, V. (2004). Consequences of Mass Tourism in Mallorca – Is “Quality Tourism” a Sustainable Alternative to Solve the Environmental Problems in Calvia, Mollorca. Retrieved from

Petersen, G., (2009). Mallorca: The Sound of an Island. London: Gudrun Petersen

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