

Technology change is a word that is used to illustrate the general process of development, modernization and diffusion of technology .The definition of the term technology ranges across the border, in general one would term it as the usage of knowledge tools, systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or serve some purpose. Technology is seen to influence humans as well as other species including animals’ capability to control and become accustomed to their environment. In turn, technology has affected the society and its surroundings in a number of ways. The economic standards of most communities have influenced by technology and allowed the rise of social classes. Technology in the same way has produced unwanted products to the society. Technology has taken a huge toll on the family and positively influenced it in a number of ways (Chelsey, 2004).

In the family setting, technology has bonded the world at home to that at the work place making redefining what one means to the other. Technology has influenced the home in a way that there is a shift in the work-home relationship. It is normal to have encountered people that do not take work home despite the fact that there is a pc room at home with a pc in it. With the advanced technology within the comfort of your home, one is able to handle his communications, create presentations, and manage his time and financial budget. The pc enable one improves his productivity, and interactive on-line calendars to manage his time.

With technology, one is able to know more about someone at the end of the world rather than one in the next cubicle. While away on business trips, one is able to be in contact with his or her family because of the diverse equipments that one is allowed to use. The E-mail and voicemail is to our advantage since they fit our schedule at our convenience. Laptops, PDAs, iPods, smart phones and other technological and other technological gadgets seem to be taking over the pockets and purses with no end in prospect. Others might argue that these gadgets might be altering our families and affecting how interaction is carried out in this unit. Family time is defined by the time spend with family members and technology has raised the standards through watching T.V, camp, eat, travel. The gadgets that facilitate these actions, which include phones, networked computers, pagers, and answering machines, take serious purpose for these actions. Technology has not limited this to the single unit of the family but has extended its hand to the extended family (Chelsey, 2004).

Technology has effectively strengthened communication, which serves as concrete actions that can be taken to bring close the family unit. Communication among family members binds them together. Surveys have it that 70% of family time is done through technology. Twenty nine percent of families make use of mobile phones, instant messaging taking up 25%this makes decision making very easy for even the young ones(Silva, 2010). Technology has made multitasking a more possible did than before. Family communication is highly considered as an ethical implication because communication enables family members to express their needs, wants and concerns to each other. Open communication equally allows members to express their differences as well as love and appreciation for one another. It not only helps one talk out his issues but also learn the virtue of listening to others.

Information technology shapes, enables and modifies family roles. What seemed as a man thing before is taken up by women and sometimes they do a better job than what the man would do. Technology helps subvert old roles where parental and gender roles can be challenged using this devises. This has in turn added to the global dimension to the workings of the community. Unlike the nineteenth century where the economy was built around fruit orchards labored by the immigrant inhabitants, the twenty-first century is more vocal and centered on technology (Dolgin, 1999). Technology has most importantly strengthened communication, which is a core function in the family unit and proved its effectiveness. With the well-designed roads, time is well spent on the road bonding family ties. Technology in most ways brings together the family.




















Chelsey, N. (2004). Using information technology to manage work and family life: implications for life quality. New York, NY: Cornell University.

Dolgin, J. (1999). Defining the family:  Law, Technology, and Reproduction in an Uneasy age. New York, NY: NYU Press.

Funkhouser, J. (1997) Family involvement in Children’s Education: successful Local Approaches: An Idea Book. Newagen, ME: DIANE Publishing.

Ogbum, W. & Meyer, F. (1976). Technology and the changing family: Technology and the future family. San Francisco, CA: Greenwood Press.  

Silva, E. (2010).Technology, Culture, Family: Influence on home life. New York, NY: Palgrave


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