
My Internship in the Ministry of Interior in Qatar

The Ministry of Interior

Formed in 1970, the Ministry of Interior in Qatar was given the mandate of ensuring that there was peace and security. It has the responsibility of organizing the police force and the prisons. It ensures the security of the people of Qatar by dealing with all criminal matters. The ministry also issues travel documents, organizes expatriates entry into the country and ensures their safe stay in the country. The upsurge of criminal activities and terror related issues has kept the ministry on its toes making sure that it comes up with advanced technology that will help in curbing crime. The ministry has developed modern equipment and upgraded the human resource department which has enabled it to become more efficient. It has also included the people in the community and the corporate sector in its campaign. It has involved the community in its effort of maintaining peace since it has realized that without their co-operation, all its work will be futile. Aside from these duties, the ministry sensitizes people about the effects of drug abuse and is involved in the professional development of its forces (MOI 2010).

The Criminal Evidence and Information Department

The Criminal Evidence and Information Department is part of the Ministry of Interior and was established in 1991. It has six sections which include administrative affairs, fingerprint section, criminal information, technical assistance, police canine and crime scene section. All its functions include collecting information about crimes. The department is responsible for apprehending criminals. The department collecting and analyzing evidence such as fingerprints from crime scenes, document all the information collected electronically, inspect accident locations and investigate crime scenes, interrogate suspects, prepare and open criminal records for those found guilty of crimes and other statistical information. Since it is under the ministry of interior, the department is responsible for issuing permits for transferring corpses who are either refugees or other foreigners. The department uses various methods and means for carrying out its tasks. It uses sniffer dogs to identify criminals and find drugs. It also uses chemical and traditional methods of collecting evidence and it uses modern digital media such as video shots and closed-circuit microphones to carry out its tasks (CEID 2010).

The Drug and Alcohol Committee

The Drug and Alcohol Committee Department was established in 1999 according to a decree issued by the Council of Ministers. Its main responsibilities include fighting drugs and other substance abuse. The problem of drugs is one that can affect the society as a whole and it leads to the detriment of the society. As such, the department consists of not only those concerned with security but also the media, health and education officials and also the officials from social affairs. The functions of the committee include fighting illegal consumption of drugs and alcohol and treating and rehabilitating those with drug problems. Most of the work done by the committee involves awareness and prevention. The committee publishes printed materials such as booklets which are aimed at informing people about the menace. It organizes conferences and lectures and encourages studies and research related to drug prevention. The committee not only comes up with prevention policies, but it also ensures that they are implemented (DAC 2010).

Criminology Theories

The Positivist Theory

The positivist theory argues that criminal behavior is controllable but it has to be understood. The theory advocates for the treatment and rehabilitation of the lawbreakers. This theory has been put into practice by the Drug and Alcohol Committee. Though the people who abuse illegal drugs are offenders in the eyes of the law, the committee encourages them to seek treatment in rehabilitation centers and they do not see them as criminals. Lombroso, who made major contributions to the theory, saw alcoholism as a disease. Like any other disease, alcoholism required treatment. As he put it, “There is one disease that without other causes-either inherited degeneracy or vices resulting from a bad education and environment-is capable of transforming a healthy individual into a vicious hopelessly evil being. That disease is alcoholism” (Moyer 36).

It was rare to consider alcoholism as a disease especially during that era. He was of the opinion that crime could be prevented using penal substitutes. The law needed to know and study the causes of crime, neutralize them and attempt to reduce their effects through prevention (Moyer 38). Another concept that Lombroso gave attention to was education. He noted that education is influential in determining the extent of crime. He noted that education can change the character of crime (Moyer 37). The Ministry of Interior holds lectures and conferences and educates the people concerning many issues. This, it hopes, will go a long way in reducing the incidences of crime. The ministry, through the alcohol and drug committee, also encourages research and study which it hopes will help in combating crime levels and thus change the face and character of crime.

The Control Theory

This theory is different from the positivist theory. Those who advocate for this theory note that the offender usually has free will. He or she therefore chooses the actions to take and should be held responsible for them. Durkheim made major contributions to this theory particularly in the area of anomie. He saw anomie as lack of regulations which came as a result of division of labor. He also spoke of anomic suicide meaning the isolation of an individual from social controls and the society. This separation to become free and he or she can perform criminal behavior at that time. This means that when social controls are still enhanced and the society is watching, there is little chance that the person will engage in defiant behavior (Moyer 133). The Ministry of Interior seems to be aware of this and it has established ways to ensure that the offenders do not get a chance to act in an illegal manner.

Through the Criminal Evidence and Information Department, the ministry has established the fingerprint service both at the state levels and at the work place. The ink-free decimal fingerprint devices ensure that more people have their fingerprints in the system. The ministry handles many people in a day. Some of the issues it deals with include traffic, passports and fingerprints. With the heavy workload, many offenders can get the opportunity to escape for petty offences. However, with the new fingerprint system, catching an offender becomes much easier. When the habitual offenders realize that they will not be getting away after committing crimes they will reduce their criminal tendencies. The department also uses cameras and still photographs among other media. This ensures that there is someone who is always watching and hearing.

Differential Opportunity Theory

This theory is a combination of strain, differential association and social disorganization. It identifies three types of gangs. These are the criminal gangs, conflict or violent gang and the retreatist gang. They did not categorize offenders as one group but they noted their differences. The situation is not different in the Ministry of Interior. The ministry recognizes that crime occurs at different levels. The ministry has different divisions that deal with different matters. it would not for instance treat criminals the same way it treats drug peddlers. This also means that there are different ways of apprehending criminals and interrogating them. Cloward and Ohlin noted that subcultures depended on community integration. The ministry is careful with foreigners. It checks all their details when they are entering the country including the area of residence. This may be interpreted in two ways. They can act the way they do to prevent the foreigners from behaving in an illegal manner or limit their opportunities for doing so or they can prevent the already established gangs from influencing the foreigners to join in their illegal activities.


















Works Cited:

CEID. Simplified Procedures to Facilitate the Fingerprint Services for Companies and Establishments. Ministry of Interior, 2010. Web. 30 November 2010 < >

DAC. Functions. Ministry of Interior, 2010. Web 30 November 2010 < >

MOI. Ministry at a Glimpse. Ministry of Interior, 2010. Web. 30 November 2010 < >

Moyer, Imogene. Criminological Theories: Traditional and Non-Traditional Voices and Themes. Thousands Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2001. Print.


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