




Lack of Varieties in Western Michigan University Food Court

Western Michigan University (WMU) is one of the universities that have been faced with the issue of lack of food varieties. Most of the food supplied to campus is from places such as market places thus, there is need to look for means of supplying food to the students and the entire staff members. The food is expensive hence; students need the university to help them in solving food problems. Thus, there is a need for utilizing university land in growing diverse verities of food, which can be supplemented to that bought from the market places. Therefore, the president of MWU should encourage the students to engage in sustainable food growing systems.

Due to lack of food varieties in the university, the WMU dining services survey is currently under study. The issue is to address on dining service policies regarding on sustainable food principles. The recent food survey carried out in the university revealed that there are challenges in balancing nutritious in relation to the student’s taste or eating habits. Moreover, research interview was carried out in order to determine the challenges of meeting sustainable equity ideals and sustainable education ideals. This was done in order to analyze and find out solutions to the issue regarding on food problems at the university. Thus, many issues were raised concerning food problems something that led to serious attention to the entire university.

In order to overcome lack of food varieties in the university, the president of WMU should employ the sustainable food strategies as a solution to food problems. This is through encouraging the students to engage in sustainable food systems. Enhancing sustainability performance to all students in WMU food services as well as increasing student involvement in sustainable food issues is vital. This is because it will enable students to come up with better issues of attaining sustainable principles considering food varieties. Implementing sustainable food strategy is not an easy task thus the WMU president can involve the entire faculty, administrators and all the students to participate towards solving food issues. In order to achieve their strategy, they can formulate a mission of providing healthy, affordable and tasty food varieties for the entire WMU community in an environmental, social and economical way.

The reason for choosing the above topic was due to the surprising nature of the results of the survey that was carried out at the university concerning food varieties. According to a research survey, it was found that there is lack of food varieties, a factor that contributes to poor nutrition for the students and the entire community at the university. Moreover, students demanded for environmentally responsible food products to have pocket friendly prices. Thus, there was need for the WMU president to find out the solution of the problem. A study had to be carried out concerning lack of food varieties. After the survey, it was discovered that the food served at the university food court was expensive and had poor nutritional features, there arose a need for a solution to overcome the food problems.

In addition, there was need to enable the students meet the ecologically and economically sustainable food methods, which is vital because it will enable the university to overcome future food problems. For this reason, a program to teach the students sustainable food methods and practices was introduced, to enable the students create a leading food court that offered affordable and tasty food varieties. There was need for a living laboratory for carrying out research on food as this was considered an issue of solving ecological, economical and social crises. Emphases were laid on sustainable food education regarding sustainable food methods as one way of empowering the students thus a reason for studying the above topic.

Lastly, another reason for choosing the above topic is because, lack of food varieties has been a major challenge that students face in many Universities and WMU is not an exception. Many universities face this challenge because of inadequate sustainable education as well as lack of sufficient research done on sustainable food supply. Thus, implementing sustainable principles regarding sustainable food supply at the universities is significant. This is because the principles will provide flexibility of accomplishing the challenges thus reducing food risks. This will result to high quality and adequate food distribution to the WMU community.

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