



Case Part 4

Response to Case Part 4: Case Study of a Development Worker

In my opinion, the volunteer’s actions and his interactive nature with the managers from different field evidenced a good number of options concerning issues and problems faced such as seeds acquisition and financial help. For instance, the volunteer was able to share his problems with the Agriculture Minister from his area who promised to provide any form of help where possible. Had it not been for the aggressive nature of the volunteer, am sure it could have taken a longer time before any action would be implemented concerning the arrangements for the seeds purchases and distribution. In addition, I noticed that it seems very difficult for an organization to acquire help from the government and therefore it needs frequent follow-ups by the relevant leaders to the appropriate agencies. Therefore, because of the volunteer’s aptitude, he was able to reach out and find the needed solution to the problem. The United States Embassy has the necessary funds required for different projects although it mandates a responsible team leader for the project. For instance, the Agricultural Minister directed the volunteer to the United States Embassy to acquire the necessary funds for the seeds project with the direct command that he has to take both funds and project responsibility. However, to some extent, the volunteer was not right in his actions because he caused some misunderstandings between the project’s chairperson and the acting director. The volunteer was wrong by playing the role that was not his. The volunteer had the  aim of showing himself as a hardworking person than the chairperson so that he could be promoted or employed permanently at the organization. Otherwise, he could have just informed the chairperson and let him play his role. Subjectively, I think that the seed purchasing and follow-ups concerning funds pooling was the chairperson’s liability.

Sustainability Issues in the USA

Growth and development of technology is a sustainability issue in the US because through different advanced technologies, the costs of foodstuff production are likely to go low. However, such technologies would also mean high costs in terms of food pricing since every production sector requires the use of oil in terms of transportation to various organization outlets within the country. For instance, for a trader to raise a single cow up to a level that it may be sold, large quantities of oil are needed especially in the transportation of the fodder pellets. According to Boycott (2008), additional costs are noted in vehicles that utilize diesel for transportation purposes and ferrying of chemical fertilizers utilized by beef farms. Therefore, owing to increased oil prices, food pricing also increases affecting the entire economy.

On the other hand, farmers dealing in wheat production have also experienced some shortcomings even though the larger share has benefited from the increasing prices that have enhanced food shortages. For instance, consumers have to choose between nutritious meals and employing vital care services particularly for the disabled people. The country is experiencing a high rate of inflation almost in all living and working areas (Boycott, 2008). Unfortunately, the government has not yet acquired any strategies to help solve the surrounding issues concerning food distribution and security. United States is positioned among the top most petroleum consumers and the current price increases in oil production has led to the exploration of the given product in particular places where the process of oil extraction is less costly. According to Wikipedia (2011), it has been argued that oil prices, as a sustainable issue is difficult to ascertain in terms of exactly what economic, political, and strategic impacts that such an incidence could lead. Various approaches have been recommended by the introduction of a steady state economy that involves the omission of income tax and lessening the overexploitation of natural resources.

Works Cited

Boycott, Rosie. “Nine meals from anarchy – how Britain is facing a very real food crisis.” MailOnline, 7 Jun. 2008. Web. 31 Oct. 2011. <–Britain-facing-real-food-crisis.html>.

Wikipedia. Peak Oil. 17 Oct. 2011. Web. 31 Oct. 2011. <>.



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