





            The subject of abortion is one of the most controversial subjects in the world today. The issue evokes deep reactions from both the secular and religious grounds. This is mainly because the subject is much deeper than the superficial concept of “killing” an embryo. The issue relates to many other conflicting ethical issues such as sex, morals and choices. This makes it even more relevant to have a conclusive discussion to have a full comprehension of the ethical issues in consideration when tackling the abortion dilemma (Moore, and Kenneth, 2002).

Those against the whole concept of abortion easily find plausible arguments to defend their ideas by basing their stand on abstinence, religious values and the responsibility of unprotected sex. This leaves those in support of abortion to dwell on the advantageous or reasonable characteristics of abortion. These reasons include issues such as rape, endangering the life of the mother, or the underlying fact that abortion only comes into question on the resultant of the life of the embryo if the pregnancy had not been terminated.

By applying the philosophical stand of Immanuel Kant who was in support of moral duty and utilitarianism, it can be shown that advocating for anti-abortion; one will be performing “the greatest good”. In order to have a conclusive argument, the fact that life begins at conception has to be established first. Having established this, there are a number of reasons why the termination of an embryo is both unethical and immoral (Abortionismurder.Org, 1998).

The right to life is a universal moral right. Since life begins at conception, the termination of the embryo equates to murder and the infringement to the embryo’s right to life. Rights bequeath an individual with the individual specific freedoms but also necessitate others the responsibility to protect the said individual’s rights. This means that procuring an abortion would mean denying an individual the right to life and abdicating ones responsibility of protecting the rights of the given individual. With this regard freedom is experienced in tandem with the repercussions of exercising the said freedoms. With this in mind, ones right to exercise the sexual freedom is to be experienced together with the results of engaging in sex. This is the possibility of conceiving a child.

One of the most popular justifications for abortion is self-defense. The reason does not however clearly justify abortions. In the reality, a person who brings about a given conflict cannot defend oneself on the claim of self-defense. As an example, parents cannot treat their children as trespassers to their property. This is because by having the children, they bring about the conflict of providing shelter for the children. in this case, a pregnant person cannot claim the right to her body because by consenting to engage in sex, one brings about the conflict of pregnancy. This case could only be plausibly argued by a victim of rape or incest. In this case, it could be argued that one cannot be responsible for a pregnancy that one did not bring about.

The above discussion shows that abortion is indeed immoral and unethical. The fundamental rights of an individual ought to be protected at all costs. Every person is supposed to take responsibility of the results of ones actions and inactions. Conducting an abortion goes against the principles of utilitarianism of always acting in the “the greatest good”.


Works cited

Moore, Brooke, and Kenneth Bruder. Philosophy, The Power of Ideas. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2002. Print.

Abortion is Murder.” 1998. Abortionismurder.Org. ONLINE. Google. December 17, 2003.

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