






Response #1

            The writer of the article is indeed right in identifying the irony behind the policy of the band OK GO. Although the band was utterly against the advertising of their products into everything, the band went ahead to advertise themselves in the movie and even made their contribution in coming up with the theme song of the movie. The band was against the whole idea as they felt it was selling out by putting their music into something that was going to have their fans feel bad about themselves.

There is also irony in the way seeing the movie for the first time would have someone believe that Spurlock was in the motive of duping the audience by exploiting the advertisers for a double profit. This act although seemingly immoral, it is not. Careful analysis of the movie enables one to notice the subtle, insidious advertising, which our society has religiously embraced. What Spurlock is actually doing is to rub this reality on the audiences face and expose the inner motives of the advertising market. In performing this, one could easily mistake him into applying double standards.

In another example, Spurlock portrays his masochistic endeavor by having his meals at the famous McDonalds at out. He takes his meals in this restaurant three times a day for a whole month. The audience is thus faced with the underlying question whether this is a genuine act, an attempt to advertise the restaurant or highlighting the irony in the advertising market. This is an intricate balance as he ends up laying both his reputation and his health on the line. This was however deemed to shame those who use product placement without prior notice to the audience. This goes ahead to show how the film industry has gone ahead to adopt the idea of advertisement.



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