




Most Memorable Trip

The most memorable trip I have ever taken was a personal visit to Minnesota in the United States of America. It had been long since I traveled far from my state to another for tourism purposes. Therefore, at the beginning of our school vacation, I decided to take a trip to Minnesota. Minnesota is a Midwest region with its base under the Canadian border (Webb 9). I chose Minnesota because I had heard many stories concerning the city although I had never been there. I got my travel documents ready and I had to search for more information online about the city especially the most interesting places that I could visit. Since I like everything to be perfect, I had to make sure that all arrangements concerning the trip were in order in advance. For me to visit many different places within the city, I decided to hire a private car to enable me visit the city comfortably. Therefore, I chose to use the vacation guide of Minnesota offered to me by the tourist guides of that city to ensure that I got all the information I needed and that I knew the most wonderful places to visit.

During my journey, I realized that Minnesota has some fun places for anyone to visit. For instance, varieties of best places around are located near the Twin cities of Minneapolis, St. Paul as well as near the international airport. Furthermore, locations properly utilize the vast woodlands and lakes that are available within the state, basing mostly on entertainment and fishing. I was able to visit the Mall of America as one of the fun places in Minnesota. The Mall of America is about 20-minute drive from the international airport. I enjoyed touring this place because of the interesting theme park and the great restaurants that are found in there. It was such a fabulous trip that I had never had in my life before. The people around the places were very social and ready to help in case of any problem. The Mall of America is quite large with various activities and entertaining places within it that leaves one yearning for more. For instance, the places hosts great stars for concerts, there is an opportunity to swim for those interested and many events that are more interesting. By visiting the mall, I was extremely inspired to work hard academically so that I could also be in a position to achieve my goals. This was after I met with different people with various talents who challenged me with their inspiring stories.

I also got a chance of visiting Mille Lake Lacs, which is known to be the second largest lake in Minnesota. I was able to learn about fishing and types of fish because at this lake, there are both shallow and deep-water fishing. The experience was so wonderful that I thought of revisiting the place again when I get time in the future. I take my trip to Minnesota to be memorable because it gave me an opportunity to learn different things on various topics such as technology, natural history and mathematics.

I learnt this when I visited the Science Museum of Minnesota found on the Mississippi river. I was very much amazed on my visit to aerial lift bridge and I had to start up a conversation with those people who work around the place by asking some questions concerning the place:

Me: When was this aerial lift bridge built and by who?

The attendant: This aerial lift bridge was built in 1905 by the United States Army Corps of engineers.

Me: Ok, what important purpose does it serve?

The attendant: The bridge was built in order to provide a passageway for sea vessels via the canal located in the Port of Duluth.

Therefore, from this short dialogue, I learnt a lot and got inspired by the beauty of our country at large.

While in Minnesota, I managed to tour the zoo especially since I love everything to do with conserving the environment and its wildlife. The Minnesota Zoo is unique from other zoos because it is operated as a state agency and not by the local governments or even private organizations. The zoo is also a great opportunity for one to learn about environmental management and thus acts as a good teaching aid to high school students (Webb 23). I learned how to preserve both animal and plant life in order to create a healthy environment. Therefore, I got inspired and felt that I should value the environment more and thus my views concerning environmental conservation were enhanced.

To finalize my trip in Minnesota, I had to pay a visit to Minnesota’s haunted places. I used to hear stories from my friends concerning these places and since I was in Minnesota, I took that as an opportunity for me to go and see. These places have a history of events or tragedies that occurred in the past and include schools, clubs, cemeteries and restaurants. I was very scared as I visited these places because of the stories I had heard in the past and I got to learn about the supernatural happenings in Minnesota

My tour to Minnesota City will remain to be memorable because of the wonderful experience that I had. All the places I visited were interesting and very inspiring because of the great lessons I learnt that made me view life in a more positive manner than before. In general, the visit to the Mall of America enabled me to meet with great people who inspired me, the visit to Minnesota Zoo made me develop a positive view of the environmental conservation, and a visit to Mille Lake Lacs was equally rewarding. Therefore, this was a great tour and I am happy because I spent my vacation in a great way.






















Works Cited

Webb, Garrison. A treasury of Minnesota tales. New York, NY: Thomas Nelson Inc, 1998. Print.

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