Solutions Map

Solutions Map

SAP Global is a financial and information technology company dealing with business management software, provision of comprehensive business solutions, business application software, and general business and information technology services. SAP, which stands for “Systems Applications and Products in Data processing”, deals mainly in services that promote business innovation and growth. The company helps other businesses manage their resources, including capital and information technology assets, in order to increase their efficiency and flexibility while also cutting down their costs and therefore making use of all the business and information technology knowledge to maximize business performance. This happens with the help of several departments or industries some of which are to be scrutinized at length.

One such industry is the Enterprise Resource Planning or ‘ERP’. This department is in charge of several modules or services, all of which are important components of the whole department. The first department is the End User Service Delivery department, which deals with helping one’s company provide human resource services to all the company’s stakeholders while promoting real-time interaction and communication between the human resource department, the management and the employees. The second department is the ERP financial department. This department deals with helping companies keep their financial departments up to date in terms of accounting standards, enhancing transparency, promoting demand, enhancing communication with business partners and generally all financial services. The third department is the ERP Human Capital Management or the ERP HCM. It deals with aiding client companies the world over manage people, which are any company’s most important asset. This solution helps the human resource and line of business officials in these organizations to not only plan and hire the best staff but to also train them and understand their talents.

Department number four is the ERP operations. This department helps an organization automate its operational processes, increase productivity, increase better collaboration with partners and improve overall general operational performance. The fifth department is the ERP Corporate Services, which deals with the management of big investments like real estate, corporate travel, health compliance, enterprise assets just to name a few. The sixth department is the ERP Financial Analytics, which, as the name suggests, deals with the analysis of any financial service to help in the performance analysis and future planning. The seventh department is the ERP Operations Analytics. This deals with supporting business activities that deal with the supply chain, improvement of revenues and increasing the satisfaction of customers. Department number eight is the Workforce Analytics department. It deals with the staff where the executives, the human resource department and the managers can provide real-time analysis of the entire company’s workforce.

The Hierarchy of the departments is as follows:

Finance- Financial and Management Accounting, Financial Supply Chain Management, Treasury Applications

Human Resource- Talent Management, Workforce Process Management, Workforce Deployment

Operations- Procurement and Logistics Execution, Product Development and Manufacturing, Sales and Services

Corporate Services- Enterprise Asset Management, Project and Portfolio Management, Quality Management

Financial Analytical Tools-

Financial and management reporting

Planning, budgeting, and forecasting

Strategy management and scorecards

Cost and profitability management

Working capital and cash flow management

Payment behavior analysis

Operations Analytical Tools-

Procurement monitoring

Inventory and warehouse management

Manufacturing reporting

Order fulfillment analysis

Customer service analysis

Program and project management

Quality management

Enterprise asset management

Sales planning

Sales analysis

Workforce Analytical Tools-

Workforce planning

Workforce cost planning and simulation

Workforce benchmarking

Workforce process analytics and measurement

Talent management analytics and measurement

Strategic alignment

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