Six question need to answer

Response to Classmate Answer One

As a reaction to the learning community excerpt, the student offers and supports own opinion. From a personal point, the student points out that the definition of learning communities as being groups in which useful ideas are shared is highly subjective. The given excerpt acts as a support to the views with a lot of emphasis on the sharing factor. The student further suggests that an effective learning community goes beyond idea sharing into the ability of an individual to practice or translate the acquired knowledge into daily situations. I will respond to these views by expanding on my colleague’s posting. Before the sharing process, the fundamental aspect of a learning community lies in the value system. Unless the participants are bound by a common value system, then it would be impossible to create a rapport or a conversation (Kezar, 1999). For instance, mathematics students are able to share ideas amongst each other from the fact that they are bound by the same course.

This should not be taken to mean that other students from other courses could not share with the mathematics students. They are well able to if they value mathematics and have an interest, otherwise the sharing process will be inhibited. Interest therefore serves as a prerequisite to an ideal learning community. These views can be validated by experiences. From observation, a student who has been forced by circumstances in undertaking a given course does not have any interest in the given unit. Typically, the student will attend classes, sit through the lectures with little or no attention, and unless the teacher directs question to them, they will never attempt them. Such a student will never attend group discussions or assignments unless they are mandatory and examinable. At such instances, the student will share ideas with the rest of the group members for the sake of the grade but this cannot ideally be referred to as a learning community.

Response to Classmate Answer Two

The student gives views on the article through a probing question: what constitutes to a healthy interaction? A response to the question includes such factors as mutual respect, positive feedback, encouragement, and support (Flora et al, 1996). To share an insight from this posting, respect serves as the core virtue of a learning community. Individuals constituting to any learning community must have a sense of allegiance towards the other individuals that they are interacting with as it infuses a sense of belonging that governs healthy relations. Such a person will tend to identify with the group through the significance he feels in the community. The need to contribute will be willful and active in a bid to achieve growth, both at the personal and group levels.

Respect will ensure that all members of the learning community have equal representation where they are allowed to table their observations, views, comments and contributions (Kilpatrick, 2003). This is how personal and group growth is achieved. This process will create a strong connection between the members emotionally and ideally. Hence, learning communities are avenues of friendships that not only help the members have a holistic type of growth not only in studies but also in social areas with reference to the bigger picture. Of course, this leads to an all rounded growth in the life of an individual imparting a permanent virtue of respect, which comes a long way like in a working environment. Therefore, we can assume that among the ideas identified as being contributors to healthy interactions, respect ranks as the core value. This is because encouragement and support are all outward behavioral attitudes that stem from mutually respectful relations.

Response to Classmate Answer Three

            In this answer the student used own experience to validate the practice of ethical and legal discipline in the school environment. Practical examples of referencing styles using the APA method and the writing rules that prohibit plagiarism are used in a real setting. To expand on this, although some academic rules remain the same from the lower classes to higher learning institutions, they are always documented for the sake of the students. With today’s society where activist groups are so rampant, it is always safe to document such issues just to keep in the clear incase of any matter that may arise.

Response to Classmate Answer Four

            The student chose to respond to the excerpt by focusing on the ethical responsibilities that key players in the business world as well as the consumers face. The question of what constitutes to good and wrong in the society is relative and that is why ethical rules and regulations governing trade are required, to infuse an element of universally standard practices. This creates uniformity such that what is viewed as an unethical business practice in Japan remains the same in America. Standardization practices ensure that international trade is fair for all business players especially in a society that has embraced liberalization and globalization.

Response to Classmate Answer Five

            This information is quite insightful as the student first provides the definitions of a practitioner and scholar. With reference to the idea proposed in the first response concerning effective learning, a scholar-practitioner is a good example of an individual that applies acquired knowledge for the betterment of the society. To expand on this, personal development comes first before societal development can be achieved. This is due to the fact that



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