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  1. Synthesize knowledge from liberal arts and sciences and nursing science to understand global perspectives, stimulate critical thinking, and use current technologies.

Produce a research paper that discusses the impact of nursing shortage in the health care system by the seventh week.

I achieved this objective by conducting researches on different platforms. I retrieved information from various scholarly journals, books, and online materials that examines the effects of nursing shortage in the health care system. A literature review on the subject reveals that nursing shortage has adverse implications, including high mortality rate and increased inpatient stay at the hospital. Moreover, I find from the study that medical errors are likely to increase as a result of nursing shortage. I also generate recommendations in the research paper that may help to address nursing shortage.

Conduct interviews with the health care professionals in different hospitals to determine the impact of the nursing shortage to be completed within one week.

I visited various health facilities where I got an opportunity to engage health care professionals with the objective of knowing their views on the effects of nursing shortage on their job. I learned through the face-to-face interviews that the problem causes fatigue among caregivers and result in high turnover rates. My interviews with health care professionals reveal how care givers hope to witness significant transformations that would improve the healthcare worker to patient ratio.

Conduct comprehensive research on different databases to determine the nursing shortage trends and prevalence by week six.

I sought information from various databases with the goal of determining trends on nursing shortage and prevalence of the problem. I retrieve relevant sources from databases such as PsycINFO, EBSCOhost, and CINAHL Plus among others. The research indicates that nursing shortage is increasingly becoming problematic and requires adequate concern to address the matter effectively. Even though I had problems retrieving suitable sources from particular databases I deployed effective searching skills that made it possible to access the needed articles.

  • Make sound decisions in the use of patient information and health care technology to design, coordinate, manage and evaluate nursing care for individuals, families, and populations.

Research on the existing guidelines adopted in recruitment, retaining, and training nurses by various health care providers by week six.

I completed this objective by conducting research using the retrieved sources to find out whether relevant stakeholders have adopted measures and practices that facilitate recruitment, retaining, and training of nurses. I realize that various techniques already exist to mitigate nursing shortage that proves to be problematic, but more need to be done to adequately deal with the issue that results in many negative implications.

Conduct a review of the existing technology-based systems and technologies for recruiting and training by week five.

My critical review of the various sources indicate that recruiting bodies are increasingly embracing technology-based technologies and systems to enhance the recruitment process. I learned from the review that techniques such as videoconferencing and social media have improved recruitment practices with employers hoping to attract caregivers going forward. Nevertheless, I learned from the review that some areas are still lagging behind in their use of technology to facilitate recruitment and training.

Discuss the benefits of the existing technology-based systems and their application in addressing the nursing shortage by week five.

My review indicates that technology-based systems and their application have several benefits in dealing with the issue of nursing shortage. I discovered that technology makes it possible to advertise shortages and reach many qualified people at the same. In addition to reaching out to many people within a short time, my study showed that it is possible to share needed documents through electronic platforms, which also facilitates the recruitment process.

  • Demonstrate clinical excellence to provide caring, compassionate, and culturally appropriate patient-centered care to people in a variety of settings.

Describe how patient-centered care will impact the provision of services and motivation of nurses by week six.

My study to inquire how patient-centered care will influence the provision of services and motivation of caregivers indicate the approach has significant impact on improving the care process. I managed to reveal how the technique enhances outcomes as well as increased patient satisfaction. Furthermore, I learned from the process that patient-centered care enhances organizational reputation and make healthcare more accessible. Nurses also become motivated when engaging in patient-centered care because they get an opportunity to attend to the individual needs of each patient while paying adequate attention to their specific requirements and objectives. Something that I consider an achievement in the achieving this objective is the way I managed to integrate various sources to come with the suitable response.

Discuss how the population responded to the nursing shortage concerning the quality of patient-centered care by week six.

The team responding to the questions confirmed that nursing shortage has negative implications on the quality of patient-centered care. I discovered from the responses that when the number of caregivers is not enough to attend to all patients it becomes difficult to offer patient centered care because practitioners will not have the time to attend to each patient on individual basis. Furthermore, the caregiver may not be able to provide patient-centered care when they develop fatigue due to too much work. Moreover, nursing shortage affect the quality of patient-centered care because caregivers may lack the time to create a suitable work plan aimed at providing better services.

  • Communicate, collaborate, and negotiate effectively to improve patient healthcare outcomes.

Discuss how the health care providers and professionals will enhance their communication and collaboration strategies to address nursing shortage outcomes by week six.

I adequately engage in research that shows how health workers will improve their communication and collaboration strategies to deal with the issue of nursing shortage. I discover from the research that health care providers can improve their communication by being good listeners, effectively using body language, and being very specific while avoiding vague statements. On the other hand, I discovered that it is possible to improve collaboration among professionals by fostering friendship and encouraging diversity at the place of work. I also found that encouraging communication and collaboration has significant impact on mitigating nursing shortage.

Demonstrate the understanding of effective communication, collaboration, and negotiation concerning the health care practices by week five.

I learned from my studies that health practitioners must consider certain factors when aiming at improving communication, collaboration, and negotiation amongst themselves. My research revealed that effective communicators are coherent, correct, concrete, concise, and clear. I am also aware from the research that effective collaboration is where people share ideas without any limitations. Finally, my study showed me that effective negotiation happens when practitioners are able to listen to what others say rather than striving to make their points more prominent.

Evaluate the classmates’ discussions regarding the use of different communication, collaboration, and negotiation tools and strategies in resolving the nursing shortage by week five.

The classmates’ discussions about the use of different communication, collaboration, and negotiation techniques and tools gave valuable insight about the need to deploy dissimilar techniques rather than sticking to a single approach. My research indicates that people are different and a technique that works effectively with one person may not produce the same outcomes with others. Therefore, I now know why health care workers must be dynamic in their approaches to communication, collaboration, and negotiation.

  • Exhibit professional values and behaviors as outlined by a professional code of ethics, professional standards, and legal statutes.

Evaluate the legal, ethical policies that govern my field of practice by week four.

I managed to evaluate the legal and ethical policies and regulations that govern my area of practice. I discovered that health practitioners must indulge in actions that comply with stipulated laws. For example, I realized the importance of ascribing to the Healthcare Quality Improvement Act of 1986 (HCQIA) that requires professional review bodies to ensure health workers and health facilities maintain quality outcomes. I also learned that practitioners should follow the key ethical principles such as fidelity, justice, accountability, autonomy, and beneficence among others.

Demonstrate using a professional code of ethics in engaging with others and conducting evidence-based research projects by week seven.

I am satisfied I effectively deployed professional code of ethics in participating with others in performing evidence-based projects. I focused on achieving outcomes that benefit everyone rather than a few individuals because being self-centered could derail the entire practice. Besides, I reminded my colleagues not to harm the subjects of the study in any way because this cause result in withdrawal or misinformation. 

Compare and contrast different legal statutes, professional standards, and professional codes of ethics that have been used in different case studies by week seven.

My interaction with various scholarly works showed that legal frameworks and professional codes and standards play equally important roles as professional ethics in guiding organizational and employee behavior. Comparing and contrasting the various forms reveal that regardless of the case, interveners adhere to legal provisions as well as professional standards and codes of ethics. Often, my study showed, stakeholders mostly want to achieve outcomes that are fair to everyone not considering the nature of the case.

  • Promote healthy lifestyle through health promotion, risk reduction, and disease prevention education for individuals and populations.

Determine the risk factors for the nursing shortage by accessing and synthesizing the findings in various peer-reviewed journals by week seven.

I retrieved information from various peer-reviewed journals that equipped me with much insight into some of the risk factors for nursing shortage. I discovered that factors leading to the nursing shortage are multidimensional. My review indicated that a depreciating number of new nurses because of faculty inadequacies that has led many prospective graduates being turned down when searching for jobs has contributed towards nursing shortage. Another concern is steep population growth in particular states that make the job market highly competitive. Another reason that leads to nursing shortage as I discovered from the analysis of the peer-reviewed journals is that many facilities encounter high turnover rates because of their inability to provide good working conditions.

Develop a research paper that discusses the health care providers’ health promotion strategies in promoting healthy lifestyles by the seventh week.

My research paper reveals that health care providers play significant functions in promoting healthy lifestyles. I discovered that health workers advice their patients on healthy food habits and sometimes make follow-ups to ensure their clients adhere to the recommended dietary plan. Furthermore, my research revealed that health care providers play fundamental functions in advising patients about inappropriate lifestyle and behaviors that could affect their health. For example, I learned that care givers advise their patients against smoking because the behavior may subject them to respiratory diseases and cancers such as lung and laryngeal cancer.My reviews of the sources further showed that some caregivers engage their clients in physical therapies such as exercises that make them fit.

  • Incorporate evidence-based knowledge and theory into nursing practice.

Compare and contrast the narrative or clinical topic reviews, meta-analyses, and systematic reviews on the impact of nursing shortage by the fifth week.

Findings from systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and clinical topic reviews show one major similarity. I realize that all these forms of studies find that nursing shortage affect overall quality as well as organizational and individual output. These studies also reveal how nurses must work for prolonged hours due to the shortage, which causes fatigue.

Define evidence-based medicine and discuss the significance of evidence-based medicine for nurses by the second week.

I referred to various sources to understand the meaning of evidence-based medicine and to come up with an analysis of its significance for nurses. I realized that evidence-based medicine allows practitioners to deploy therapies that are effective and likely to mitigate a particular condition. The concept is helpful for practitioners because it encourages them to find more information about how to adequately offer medication to their patients.

Discuss the importance of evidence-based theories and knowledge in the applications in the current nursing practice by week five.

I have learned that evidence-based theories are important in nursing practice because they provide frameworks by which practitioners conduct their duties. Interaction with multiple sources further showed that knowledgeable nurses fit appropriately in modern nursing practice where ideas and concepts change rapidly.

Examine the nurses’ attitude towards, knowledge of, awareness of the evidence-based practice, and potential factors to promote and generate barriers to implementation by the fourth week.

My research revealed much about nurses’ perception and knowledge about evidence-based practice. I discovered that more nurses are becoming conscious of the concept and are enacting measures to instill evidence-based practice. Further analysis using different research techniques revealed that some institutions and individual nurses still encounter challenges embracing evidence-based practice due to lack of enough awareness.

  • Demonstrate leadership and collaboration within interdisciplinary healthcare partners and professional, political, and/or regulatory organizations to support change in healthcare.

Explore the fundamental principles, leadership theories, and leadership skills that help facilitate collaboration with nurses by the third week.

I interact with nursing leaders who equip me with valuable information about the needed leadership skills, leadership theories, and key principles that promote collaboration among nurses. For example, I have realized that leaders are likely to lead by example as demanded by the behavioral theory. Leaders must also be transparent and team players to foster collaboration among team members.

Examine how health care providers should demonstrate and execute leadership skills to address the impact of the nursing shortage by the fourth week.

My inquiry from various literary sources indicated the need for leaders to deploy effective leadership skills to mitigate the nursing shortage that has adverse effects on nursing practice. Health leaders should be critical thinkers to be able to come up with practical solutions that will have long-lasting effects in mitigating the problem. Furthermore, I have also learned that leaders can effectively deal with the issue of nursing shortage by creating policies that promote the development of attractive workplaces.

Discuss evidence-based strategies to facilitate and maintain inter-professional collaboration within the health care system by the second week.

I achieved this objective by interacting with health practitioners and classmates. I realized that when organizations promote inter-professional collaboration it is easier to foster innovation and improve relationship at the place of work. I discovered from my inquiries that leaders play fundamental roles in encouraging inter-professional collaboration. My research showed me that when leaders create suitable policies that promote collaboration the team progresses steadily.

  • Allocate and manage resources to ensure patient safety and high-quality healthcare.

Discuss ways to allocate resources to ensure an adequate nurse-patient ratio by the fifth week.

I engage in a series of activities aimed at ensuring equitable nurse-patient ratio and I believe that the findings I get are suitable for providing guidance. I discovered from my analysis of various sources that it is important to distribute resources equally to ensure that every patient has an opportunity to be attended to by medical practitioner without experiencing competition or deficiency of services.

Demonstrate how nurses are the key players in improving health care quality by implementing patient safety strategies and interventions by the fifth week.

I manage to find information about the roles nurses play in enhancing health care quality through implementation of safe strategies and interventions. Nurses have direct contact with patients and are in a good position to give reports on what needs to happen to provide quality care. Furthermore, nurses give ideas and contributions on what they think should be in place to encourage health care quality and enact strategies to safeguard patient safety.

Identify the essential resources in promoting high-quality care and patient safety by the fourth week.

My review of various sources indicate that nurses must take certain measures to encourage high quality care and promote patient safety. I discover from the analysis process that high quality care should be as effective and safe as possible, with clients handled with respect, dignity, and compassion. I also discovered that professionals have an obligation to protect patient safety, which is the avoidance of unanticipated or unintended harm to patients during health care provision. Thus, patients should be treated in an environment that is safe.

  1. Engage in lifelong learning and scholarly inquiry to continue professional career development.

Discuss how continuous career development will enhance retention of nurses in the hospital done within the fifth week.

My research informed me that it is possible to retain workers through continuous career development. For example, I realized after sharing with my colleagues and after conducting researches on different platforms that when caregivers undergo training they acquire relevant skills and awareness that help to advance their practice. Moreover, my studies suggest that when nurses get the chance to attend educational trips they gain ideas that that can apply in their practices.

Organize meetings and interviews with a nursing educator to constructively explore certifications to influence professional development by the seventh week.

I successfully conduced meetings and interviews with a nursing educator, which equipped me with valuable information regarding certifications needed to encourage professional development. For example, certifications such as Certified Clinical Research Associate, Critical Care Clinical Nurse Specialist, and Critical Care Nursing are helpful in promoting professional development. However, one must undergo some training to get these certifications.

Evaluate the existing funding and advanced degree options for nurses by the sixth week.

The existing funding mechanism provides many nurses with an opportunity to pursue high learning and advance their carrier. However, it is imperative to create more avenues for more people who may require the funding but cannot access them due to certain limitations. Fortunately, I discovered from my research that practitioners have a wide range of advanced degree options to choose from. Other than selecting a program that meets one’s desires one can choose one that fits their financial ability.

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