Reflection on a Lesson that I Used in an Elementary Class

Reflection on a Lesson that I Used in an Elementary Class

What was the most important thing I tried to teach?

The course focused on various types of whales, specifically the Beluga, Sperm, Humpback, Gray and Blue Whales. Although the reference books used for the study availed much information ranging from the structural and physical differences, the adaptive mechanisms used against predators, reproduction and environmental preferences, the most central idea that I taught in the class was the size and length of divergences transversing among the types and sexes of the whale family. These ideas were dealt with by the application of scientific and mathematical concepts, with the former dwelling upon scientific explanations as to the noted differences and the latter providing pictorial presentations that would assist the students to make out the length differences.

Was the planned content conveyed effectively within the presentation? Explain your answer.

Yes, the content was effectually communicated to the students. The initial session was very interactive with the students being required to offer forecasts as to which whale type would appear the longest and whether it would be the male or female. With the limited or no information that the children had on whales, it offered a chance for critical thinking that was good for the students’ development. Founded on the concept of preferential seating, I slit the students in groups, each with a carrying capacity of three individuals with the clear instructions that they had to note the color, size and nature of the assigned whale type. The discussions that ensued during the exercise promoted the idea of peer tutoring, which was reflected on the ability of the students to identify the required information. With the section being group work, the questions were fast and correctly attempted with no need for extended time. Upon the completion of the exercise, we plotted the bar graphs for length comparison as a class.

What did I learn from my students (peers etc.)?

I leant that peer tutoring imparted writing, spelling, interpretation and arithmetical skills in the students, all encompassed within a single lesson. The five questions that I applied in the promoting concepts section was good for analysis purpose as an indication of the grasping capability of each student and the learning that has taken place.

What did I specifically like about my presentation? Why?

I liked the fact that it was interactive in nature with the initial and conclusive parts of the presentation enhancing the student-teacher relationship. The positive reinforcement imparted on the students through the noting of their thoughts on the blackboard leads to positive growth and development in the learning environment. This sharpened both their vocal and thing skills. Pedagogical approaches in the learning systems also indicate that children like challenges and less of adult supervision and directions as they grow because this builds confidence in them and it is the best form of learning. This concept was applied in the group section and it aided the students in learning from each other as well as noting the advantages of group work sessions. Lastly, the promoting concepts aided the students in reflecting on the lesson’s focus while offering their views on whales.

What would I change? Why?

I would change the lesson plan to employ the use of technological innovations like projectors, films and slide presentations as they would give a vivid presentation of the different whales. This would be based on the enhancement of cognitive learning theories that auger well with children for effectual learning to take place.



How did you accommodate the individual differences of the children in your classroom?

I applied the differentiated approach in the group sessions where the students seating arrangement and combination was based on the variant aptitudes they have in their reading and interpretive skills. Slow students would be grouped with other slow students to avoid cases in which they would have episodes of low self-esteem to the detriment of their learning requirements.

How well did planned assessments inform me of student progress? In what ways? How would I adapt, add to or eliminate assessments I used in future presentation? Why?

The assessments were indicative of the students learning developments by the reflection section where they expressed their views on why structural, physical and environmental differences existed among the whale type. The responses given to each of the questions would indicate whether the student has actually learned any information during the exercise or not. The student’s progress would be noted by comparing their oratory and spelling skills with those exhibited in previous sessions. In future, I would adapt to these assessments to be more comprehensive by the use of various levels of learning challenges; this would be made possible by the initial adaptation of easy book as they tend towards the use of more challenging texts that would assess the ability of students.



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