Public Administration and Organizational Interactions






Does the city need to place a moratorium on any future building projects?

Putting up moratoriums in future building projects should be considered a detrimental factor towards Townscape’s development. It is evident that the crumbling of the old buildings in the town has given the town a new modern orientation, which is expected to bring enormous political, social and economic differences in the city (Moynihan, 2008). More buildings should therefore be put up in order to replace the old worn out buildings in the area (Moynihan, 2008). Moratorium or any kind of sudden freeze on future building projects is likely to lead to an economic, social or political flop of the city’s status.

The new buildings have so far given the city a modern look because of the presence of the new architectural heritage (Girishankar & De Silva, 1998). This look has attracted a larger population because of many people wanting to carry out economic activities at the place. It is also a social and political centre where people interact both socially and politically. The new infrastructure has therefore been of a great importance to the city hence a moratorium to any future building projects is likely to cause Townscape a big loss.

Does the potential new revenue outweigh the additional burden? 

The potential revenue does not outweigh the additional burden because of the partial changes that have taken place in the town. Many people have moved to settle at Townscape because of the building projects, which signify future development. Since taxation rates have not been increased with respective building projects initiated by the government, the tax collected is far much less than the cost used in the building projects (Girishankar & De Silva, 1998). The high rate of population growth is the major cause of this dilemma hence the new revenue does not outweigh the additional burden of single-family residential housing. It is also vivid that the city has a high operating budget compared to the less tax paid by its residents. A high budget cannot be financed by a low revenue hence the reason as to why the new revenue does not outweigh the additional burden of high population (Girishankar & De Silva, 1998).

What is the political climate for new ventures? 

The political climate for new ventures can be said to be very different from the old original one because of the consequent historical movement. New ventures are provided with concrete parameters to follow in their operations (Moynihan, 2008). This has been initiated because of the change in the civil service commission operations. The globalization of the architectural historical movement has also contributed to an active political climate in the city.

What is the impact if the city located adjacent to Townscape is willing to take on additional projects and share some of the same area resources?

The sharing of resources between or among different cities leads to the growth of both cities. This happens only if all the cities share their resources equally (Moynihan, 2008). Townscape would definitely benefit from the additional projects by her neighboring cities.


The main objective of this proposal is to provide substantial suggestions and rationale on the decision-making of our Town. Future development of the city will arise if only the right procedure is carried out in initiating the best political, social and economic status of the city. The city therefore has adequate potential of growing enormously to a larger productive commercial city (Moynihan, 2008).
Explain government structure and agencies

Government agency refers to an administrative body, which has the obligation of regulating or controlling specific functions of an administration. Government structure on the other hand depicts the hierarchy of authority in a government (Girishankar & De Silva, 1998). Government structures and agencies therefore refer to the corrective use of authority in ensuring proper control of an administrative body.






















Girishankar, N. & De Silva, M. (1998). Strategic management for government agencies: an institutional approach for developing and transition economies. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.

Moynihan, D. P. (2008). The dynamics of performance management: constructing information and reform. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.


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