Public Administration and Organizational Interactions

Running Head: Public Administration and Organizational Interactions
















            Organizations irrespective of what form they are in need to survive and manage change to enhance their existence. Public organizations are more vulnerable to change due to relying on aspects that were established long before the current changes took place. Townscape is one town that has not managed to adopt to change due to its reliance on the buildings that were established when the population was minimal (Gordon & Milakovich, 2009). The population of the town has grown substantially necessitating the employment of a high number of employees to serve the growing populations. The productivity of the employees has been affected due to the bad state of the buildings that they are working in. This problem can be solved through the contribution of the government, private and non-profit organizations that are being affected by the employee problem.

Public administration has been criticized due to its role of undermining the contribution of the private sector in the provision of better living conditions for the citizens. This is the same reason, which has led to the problems being faced by the employees of Townscape, as public administration has not interacted with the private and non-profit organizations in the revamping of the town after its upgrading from a farming town into a full service community (Rice, 2005). The private companies that can be involved with the urban planning of the town include the construction companies that will play a key role in the reconstruction and the investment companies that will invest heavily on the infrastructure of the town as the town has been relying on the population funding. The other private companies doing business in the town can also contribute largely to the reconstruction process.

Those private agencies to be affected are the insurance companies due to the high number of insurance claims from the sick employees. The non-profit groups to be affected by the problem are the NGOs advocating for the rights of those with disabilities, as the buildings were not built in accordance to the stipulations of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Other non-profit organizations to be resources for the town include those dealing with environmental preservation as well as those advocating for human rights (Riddell, 2004). Others are the labor unions, as they will be advocating for the upgrading of the employees working condition. The government agencies that will be affected by the problem include the Illinois state police, as their police stations are located in the faulty buildings and Illinois fire marshals, as a fire station is located in the faulty buildings and the local government, which is in charge of the city hall and the public administration of the town.

Urban planning is the main solution that can be utilized to counter the building problems being faced by the town. The reason for this is that the town is not well organized to contain the high population that has been experienced since the building boom of the 1950s. The employees, the city and the courts have different responsibilities to carry out in the establishment of the remedies for the problem at hand (Gordon & Milakovich, 2009). Public administration is the main cause of the problem because it discourages the contribution of other agencies in the enhancement of a town’s infrastructure. The employees together with the labor unions can therefore go on strikes protesting against the unfavorable working conditions, which will force the private and governmental agencies to source for ways of accelerating the rate of urban planning and reconstruction.

The government and private agencies will therefore source for more investors, who can invest on the infrastructure thus reducing their reliance on public funding where infrastructure improvement is concerned. The city should source for an urban planner who can be able to come up with the town planning process ideals that will be followed during the urban planning process. The city should also choose a planner who is well versed with the disciplines of surveying, engineering and architecture as there are many who are available from the local government (Rice, 2005). In the same line, the city should ensure that public administration does not interfere in urban planning as this will hinder the voice of the public in the decision making process. The city should present the urban plans to the public who will deliberate on their effectiveness to ensure that the buildings that have older wiring are replaced with others that have new wiring to ensure the safety of the employees.

The city should also ensure that the buildings to be reconstructed are built in such a way as to contain the increasing population of employees to lower congestion thus resolving the problems facing the employees. The courts should ensure that all the faulty buildings are rendered unusable where human beings are concerned to enhance the taking of fast action by the city and the council manager (Riddell, 2004). The courts should also rule in favor of the workers in the case of working disputes to guarantee that the workers are provided with favorable working conditions that necessitate the construction of new buildings in which the air handling systems are upgraded to include technological advancements. The courts should work towards restricting the concentration of public administration in the urban planning process, as public administration will reduce the pace of the reconstruction because of bureaucracy.

Public administration though being advantageous in most cases may be the reason behind the lagging behind of some towns where urban planning is concerned. Townscape   is a town in dire need of urban planning as most of the buildings in the town were built during the building boom of the 1950s. With the increase in population since its inception, the buildings have been rendered unsafe for human settlement due to their small size as well as the traditional technology utilized in their construction. For this reason, different government, private and non-profit agencies should take part in urban planning to reduce the health and security risk being faced by the employees of that town (Gordon & Milakovich, 2009). The employees can contribute to solving the problem through strikes while the city can contribute through the sourcing of competent urban planners. Conversely, the courts can contribute through suppressing the power of public administration to accelerate the urban planning process. In conclusion, all the key players in Townscape should be immensely involved in the urban planning of that town, as it is the main solution to the safety and health risks being faced by the employees of the town.


















Gordon, G. J., & Milakovich, M. E. (2009). Public Administration in America. Boston, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Rice, M. F. (2005). Diversity and Public Administration: Theory, Issues, and Perspectives. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.

Riddell, R. (2004). Sustainable Urban Planning: Tipping the Balance. Malden, MA: Blackwell.



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