Public Administration and Organizational Interactions

Running Head: Public Administration and Organizational Interactions





Public Administration and Organizational Interactions

            Several government entities are bound to be affected by the changes that the board of governors of Townscape plans to implement. These include those that cater for health and sanitation, education, transport, communication, protection and safety, water, housing, and city administration. Due to the recent huge growth in population by more than 60 percent, the changes are necessary and due. This means that these government entities will have to adopt new measures in ensuring that they provide the best services possible to a city that is increasingly in need of them.

For instance, the transport sector will have to deal with high vehicular and pedestrian movement, which could lead to accidents, pollution and congestion if not addressed. Parking within the city will have to be regulated and the council will have to increasingly work with the police department to ensure traffic regulations are followed. Creation and maintenance of park districts will also have to be looked into. In addition, entities in charge of education in the city will have to consider building of new schools or expansion of existing ones, as well as hiring of additional teachers and support staff.

Health and sanitation is a vital department in any city. With the huge population growth, overcrowding can easily cause poor sanitation practices, pollution and fast spread of diseases, which may range from air-borne to sexually transmitted diseases. Stress-related health complications will also possible arise. The housing department will also face certain issues. Among these are poor planning and construction of buildings and unscrupulous or exploitative housing practices. Moreover, government entities responsible for provision of water and sewerage services will be faced with such problems as water shortage, waste generation and disposal, as well as water and land pollution.

Population growth also brings with it increased cases of insecurity, delinquency and other criminal activity. Due to potential unemployment problems associated with a huge population growth, the police department is one of the government entities that will be affected by the proposed changes. The energy sector will also be faced with increased pressure and responsibility. Power shortage and distribution problems are associated with huge population growth will have to be addressed. Finally, the city administration department will have increased duties of recording of births, marriages and deaths, identification and other responsibilities associated with population growth.

Perhaps the first step Townscape will need to take to meet the needs of these agencies is planning. This involves doing background research into the potential problems that may arise, the needs of these agencies, and their degree of urgency. Once this has been done, Townscape will have to meet with major stakeholders in these agencies who will help give a way forward to the matter. Having considered the best and most viable suggestions, the next phase will follow. The second step will most probably include allocation of funds to the various agencies who will then use the finances in areas such as personnel hiring and management and improvement of internal infrastructure. The final step to this process is that of monitoring the progress and following up on the effected changes.

Townscape should take into considerations the concerns raised by the government agencies, as they are valid and are associated with population growth everywhere. The city should put additional effort into acquiring new sources of revenue in order to facilitate these changes. Even though population growth is hugely advantageous, it brings with it concerns that may threaten the very foundations the city is built on. It is important to ensure that the negative effects of population growth are nipped in the bud before it is too late.


Bradbury, K., Downs, A. & Small, K. (1982). Urban decline and the future of American cities. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press

Rabin, J., Hildreth, W., B. & Miller, G. (2006). Handbook of public administration. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press

Simon, H., Smithburg, D. & Thompson, V. (1991). Public administration. Piscataway, NJ: Transaction Publishers

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