
Exercise of Demian by Herman Hesse 

            Demian is a story that exemplifies the reflections of an old man on his activity filled childhood. Emil Sinclair, the protagonist narrates the various episodes that made up his childhood. The recount of the story can be interpreted through the major Jungian themes of unconscious, conscious, archetypes, self-realization or individuation, shadow, anima and animus, wise old woman or man and psychoanalysis. The major themes in the story are psychology, The will, Good and evil as well as narration. The development of Sinclair from a child to an adult can be translated in terms of self-realization and individuation. Interspersed in the story are the thoughts that were running through the mind of Sinclair during certain times of his life(Hesse & Appelbaum, 2000). In this case, the theme of consciousness and unconsciousness is brought out as the communication between the conscious and unconsciousness of Sinclair culminates into the favorable recounts he provides in the story.

In the story Demian is depicted as a real character that follows Sinclair wherever he goes. This reader however comes into the realization that the reason why Sinclair was attracted to Demian in the first place was because he resembles Sinclair’s anima. This is the character who guides human beings through self-realization. In the story, Sinclair is accorded the chance to meet Abraxas the god of evil and good. This god asserts that there is presence of the duality of good and evil in the world. Sinclair utilizes symbols in his narration. A good example of this is the story about the sparrow Hawk that breaks from the egg (Scott, 2001). This can be interpreted in terms of the fact that as a person goes through personal growth to arrive at individuation; he has to break free from his previous personality. Frau Eva acts as an archetype in the story because he brings out the mothers complex that Sinclair was missing in his life. For Sinclair to arrive at his true self he had to go through the theme of shadow where he repressed some of his qualities so that the best qualities could be exemplified.

What are some major Jungian themes in Demian?

The main Jugian themes brought out in the story are unconscious, conscious, archetypes, self-realization or individuation, shadow, anima and animus, wise old woman or man and psychoanalysis. The principle of opposites is brought out by the good and evil represented by Abraxas. Conscious vs. unconscious is brought out by the recollections of Sinclair in terms of the good and bad things he committed in his life. Conflict is brought out where conflicting thoughts exist in Sinclair‘s mind based on which God I s better between the Christian God and Abraxas. Individuation and formation of self is brought out where Demian leaves Sinclair after he realizes that Sinclair had arrived at his self realization (Hesse, 1999). The importance of balance or harmony is brought out by Abraxas because he is the god that brings harmony between good and evil. T5he use of symbols to bring out individuation is brought out by the story of the sparrow hawk.

What are some archetypal themes in Demian? You might consider the Hero’s Quest or the Wise man as examples. What does the bird breaking out of the egg symbolize?

The main archetypal theme is brought out through the different archetypes presented in the story by the author (Hesse & Appelbaum, 2000). Abraxis represents the wise old man archetypal theme because he is used to symbolize the harmony that exists between good and evil in the world. The hero’s quest forms another archetypal theme where Frau Eva is accorded the hero’s archetype by Sinclair. The bird breaking from the egg symbolizes the part of Demian’s personality that is working hard towards breaking free.

What are some of the major themes and symbols used to show the process of individuation and the development of the self?

The main themes that depict individuation and development of self include psychology, which brings out the torment Sinclair goes through in the process of developing his self, good and evil that are brought out where Sinclair was studying Abraxas the god of good and evil in the course of individuation, the will that was needed to make conscious and unconscious decisions by Sinclair and finally theme of narration that provides the whole story of Sinclair since his birth to date (Scott, 2001). The main symbol utilized to bring out individuation is the sparrow hawk, which connects Demian and Sinclair.

Are there examples of Shadow? Animus (a)? Persona? Self?

The story is made up of different examples of shadow, animus, persona and self. Sinclair acts as the persona, as the story is narrated by him. Self is brought out by Sinclair as he had to go through individuation for him to attain his self (Hesse, 1999). Shadow exists in the story because as per the theme of psychology, the story brings out the repressed, disowned and suppressed qualities of promiscuity, drunkenness and worshipping of unrealistic gods, which was exhibited by Sinclair. Sinclair was immediately attracted to Demian, which evidences the existence of animus in the story as Sinclair saw his anima in Demian.

Is Demian a part of Sinclair or is Demian apart from Sinclair? Why?

Demian is part of Sinclair and can be identified as his anima. This is because he is there to take care of him through the adversities he faces during the process of individuation and development of the self (Hesse & Appelbaum, 2000). The presence of Demian is also felt in Sinclair’s new boarding school. When Sinclair chooses his own path in the boarding school, Demian departs but comes back to him in the university. This is however short-lived as Demian later leaves him for good after Sinclair decides to meet Frau Eva and shun Christianity.

What does Abraxis represent?

Abraxis represents the godhead that unifies the divine and satanic ways (Scott, 2001). In this case, he represents the supreme god that creates harmony between evil and good in the world. He is a god of both good and evil.


What were the roles of these characters? Demian? Kromer? Pistorius? Frau Eva? Beatrice?

The role of Demian in the book is to act as the anima of Sinclair who would guide him through self development and individuation as per the Christianity codes of conduct. Kromer had the role of steering Sinclair towards Demian, so that Demian could carry out his role effectively and efficiently (Hesse, 1999). The role of Pistorius was to teach Sinclair more about Abraxas, the god who had fascinated him. Beatrice who was both male and female represents the two realms of light and darkness. Frau Eva symbolizes beauty, love and perfection to Sinclair while at the same time providing him with protection.

Why do you think World War I occurred (according to Demian)?

According to Demian, the reason why the war occurred was so that a new world could be born. A world in which he might not be physically present for Sinclair to see but a world in which he will be always present within Sinclair’s life (Hesse & Appelbaum, 2000).

What do you believe was Emil Sinclair’s psychological type and why?

Emil Sinclair’s psychological type is that of an introvert. This is because he does not seek gratifications from aspects that are outside his self but concentrates on those things that enhance his self (Scott, 2001). The whole story is about the development of his self and all the aspects covered in the story affect his self in one way or another. He concentrates on his self to such a large extent that the factors outside his self do not matter at all. They only matter as long as they are contributing significantly to his self.

Did the book provide any insights about personal growth to you?

The book provides different insights into personal growth. It asserts that personal growth is a process that has to venture into with care such that at the end of the whole process, the person in question can realize his self (Hesse, 1999). Personal growth depends on individuation and this can only occur if the person ion question is willing to go through different stages of personal growth.

In what other ways (Other than from a Jungian perspective) might you interpret Demian?

Apart from the Jungian perspective, the story can be interpreted from the perspective of change. This is because Sinclair had to undergo different psychological changes during the course of his development (Hesse & Appelbaum, 2000). All the changes he went through contributed either negatively or positively to his life. The decisions he made were based on the changes he went through. This clearly indicates that the other alternative perspective to be employed in interpreting the book is the perspective of change.









Hesse, H. (1999). Demian: The Story of Emil Sinclair’s Youth. New York, NY: Perennial Classics.

Hesse, H., & Appelbaum, S. (2000). Demian. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications.

Scott, J. (2001). Demian: Reproducible Teaching Unit. New York, NY: Prestwick House, Incorporated


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