Program Planning and Evaluation

Program Planning and Evaluation

In the article Peace Domestic Violence Agency, the mission and funding opportunity provide a relational base to tackle needs of domestically abused victims (Dunham, 2008). The document expounds on the necessities required, planning, and assessment, together with evaluation of the abused victims. Human service organizations take us through the urgent needs and requirements tackled when there is a domestic abuse case. There are two aspects involved during this development, that is, the program planning and the program evaluation procedures.

Comparison of program planning with program evaluation

 Program planning, in the Peace Domestic Violence Agency article is a development process that coordinates and facilitates change in identified need and problems while program evaluation entails research purposes rather than involving research methods (Dunham, 2008). In addition, program planning involves an assessment of what has happened and what should have happened while program evaluation handles incorporation into the program planning process to provide a continuous program performance assessment, thus boosting efficiency in human service organizations (Dunham, 2008).

In the article Peace Domestic Violence Agency, program planning is related to needs assessment and program evaluation (Dunham, 2008). Needs assessment mainly provides the basis of program development plans, which entail taking a program through a sequence of steps. In contrast to program evaluation, useful information is granted to improve the service delivery and program systems. Program planning gives clear insights on problems to be addressed and measures clients’ problem and the challenges encountered during exits. In comparison to program evaluation, individuals with assignments to deal with may be incompetent to carry out the quality research procedures (Dunham, 2008).

Program planning, in the article Peace Domestic Violence Agency, Yuen and Terao (2002) also examine selected follow-up pointers to enable the examination of forth coming outcomes while program evaluation analyzes reports that should be essential and user friendlier. Hence, program planning is decision-making and the selection of endeavors that identify and develop service models that utilize resources to achieve impressive outcomes. Program evaluation provides the influential and conclusive data that measures the desirable quality of plans and programs. This philosophy and its operations provide the required validation for the program evaluation (Yuen & Terao, 2002).

Program planning and program evaluation interrelation

 In relation to the Peace Domestic Violence Agency article, program planning and program evaluation share conceptualized data (Dunham, 2008). They also deal with the identity and correlation involved in programs. The intervention of practical grant writing and program evaluation performs and attains the intended objectives to be evaluated (Dunham, 2008). This involves taking a program through analysis and grasping its problems and relay solutions. Program planning incorporated program evaluation that did continuous performance assessment. Evidence of interrelation is seen through this aspects noted.

Differences between program planning with program evaluation

According to the article Peace Domestic Violence Agency, political and economic variables deter the progressive task of planning and evaluation (Dunham, 2008). This is because they are both products of political and economic environs. There is biasness since groups with competitive interests want evaluation data to work to their favor or cover discrepancies’ involved. Individuals, who have program evaluation assignments, may have no experience or could be incompetent to carry out quality research procedures.

Technical and political aspects of program planning and evaluation that might be encounter

Technology, in the article Peace Domestic Violence Agency, engages in the service delivery model through transformation of inputs into services and outputs to serve the community client (Dunham, 2008). It entails mergence and application of several theoretical skills and aspects to produce services. Program planning process and actual implementation are paralleled with program evaluation. Experience and observation of staff in charge to work with stipulated targets generates an internal need to develop a number of new programs. Renowned social and political factors could eventually mandate the development of new services to adhere to the legislative policies. Most program planners operate on the assumption relevant data, professional literature and peoples’ experiences (Zunker & Osborn, 2002).

In conclusion, program evaluation validates and confirms the programs’ values and its efficiency of operation. Programs’ success and failure are assessed by other working programs used to guide in implementation and evaluation process (Zunker & Osborn, 2002). As for program planning, the success of program evaluation means the planning process was well articulated and executed. Planning is important when there is need of quality execution hence extensive research is a necessity.


Anderson publishing company staff. (2003). Ohio Criminal Law Handbook: Criminal Law. Ohio, NY: Anderson.

Dunham, W. B. (2008). Introduction to Law. Delmar, NY: Cengage Learning.

Yuen, F. K. O. & Terao, K. L. (2002). Practical Grant Writing and Program Evaluation / Ed 1. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning.

Zunker, V. G. & Osborn, D. S. (2002). Using assessment results for career development: Business and Economics. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.




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