Program Enhancement

Program Enhancement

Society is not new to problems linked with young misbehavior and imprudence. An example is the outraged youth gangs on the street. Children socialization is a normal pattern might prove difficult. Different cultures may expect different expectation from it youth, but some norms cut across the world. Despite the diversity in culture, religion or race, experts say that children are not obviously born to differentiate right from wrong or to be conventional to their behavior to normative expectations. At birth, children are born with a blank slate, appropriate messages and controls are later on filled in with time along the contour (Berger, & Paul, 2009). As much as it is true, that most people act from time to time and behave in unusual ways. Parents are primarily accountable for the psychological and physiological development of their children. The earliest years of a child as psychologists say, are the most influential as one grows up.

The Juvenile Educational Enhancement Program (JJEEP) enhances, puts to practice and maintains a structure that is based on past studies, and which enables local education, as well as providing local youth with an avenue through which they can vent their energy. These gangs of delinquent youth usually flood the streets and are a cause of insecurity to the society. The program was started in 1998, when the college of criminology and criminal justice at Florida  started a project with the DOE to carry out research on juvenile Justice Enhancement  program The program offers quality assurance reviews’ and technical aid to nearly 200 juvenile justice education program in Florida (Juvenile Justice Educational Enhancement, 2011). It is funded by the Florida Department of education and executed by the Florida state university for criminology and public policy research.

JJEEP meets its criteria by providing avenues towards ensuring that excellence in instructive services that enhance the lives of the youth. Throughout the year, an analysis of the goings on is made and this aids in providing a review of teaching standards. At the same time, a recognition of the teachers’ input is achieved and awards are offered to the most active teachers (JJEEC, 2011). It helps instigate a counteractive action process when major problems are observed. The main aspects of the program that are developed further include providing every child in Florida with a place to call home as well as an institution of learning that is of high quality.

The JJEEP serves the youth in Florida by providing services to more than 350 students at any time an average day has 10000 youths in Florida and 30000 annually (Juvenile Justice Educational Enhancement, 2011). The program is highly effective as stated by the quality assurance survey and helps give valuable methods of evaluation and maintenance of the school. The program is highly effective to the state of California Research shows that the youth from the facility are equipped with knowledge and skills. The children are also counseled and advised on how to lead normal lives outside the correctional centre. It is proven to be highly effecting because of statistics that show how the program operates and its products attest to it.

However, the program can be improved by reaching more to the gang on the street than base statistics on management, in addition to how the centre runs. The intentional ideas for the running of this program are for correctional purposes that to some extend is sidelined. The product of the centre should be followed outside the program to encourage the ones in the program to follow suit and make better citizen.


Berger, R. J., & Paul, D. G. (2009). Juvenile delinquency and justice: sociological perspectives. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Juvenile Justice Educational Enhancement. (2011).Centre for Criminal And Public Policy Research. Retrieved from

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