Priniciples of Management

Principles of Management

MIS systems are information systems that can be computer based or manual and are used to provide information relevant to the management and decision making process. MIS systems are not a substitute to management; it is a tool used by management to perform effectively and efficiently its core functions (Drucker, 1999). However, the implementation of an MIS system by a company can reduce the need for tall management structures within the organization. Therefore, I agree with the management scholars’ argument that MIS reduces the need for management structures. This is so because the MIS system is able to simplify the management processes, therefore reducing the need for an elaborate management structure.

This argument can be supported by comparing the roles that managers play in an organization to the roles that the MIS system plays in the organization. The management of an organization performs five key functions namely planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. MIS systems typically play four roles in an organization, which are performance-monitoring role, strategic-support role, decision-support role and functional-support role (Drucker, 2007). It is also important to understand the three levels of management and the functions performed at each level. Management is divided into three levels that include top-level management, middle-level management and lower-level management. Top-level managers play the roles of planning, organizing and staffing roles; they hire the middle-level management. Middle-level management plays the organizing, directing and staffing role; they hire the lower-level managers. Lower-level managers perform directing and controlling functions. This includes assigning jobs to workers, assessing the performance of employees and dividing the overall goals of the company into smaller achievable targets for the workers.

Fundamentally, a well-established MIS system is able to perform the functions of lower-level managers (Lucey, 2004). For instance, it can be used to assess the actual performance of workers against the expected performance, thus playing the control function. It can also be used to set quantifiable targets that facilitate the achievement of company objectives, hence playing the directing role. MIS systems may therefore lead to a flatter management structure in the organization because it is able to support the roles of the top-level and middle-level managers.


















Drucker, F. P. (2007). Management Challenges for the 21st Century. Boston, MA: Oxford Publishers.

Drucker, F. P. (1999). Management: tasks, responsibilities, practices. Boston, MA: Oxford Publishers.

Lucey, T. (2004). Management information systems. Jacksonville, Florida: Thomson Learning.




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