POLI 113 Essay Midterm – Why Confucius is Important

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POLI 113 Essay Midterm – Why Confucius is Important

Born 551 in Qufu in the state of Lu, which is now Shandong province, China, Confucius is perceived as the most famous and influential theorist, philosopher, and teacher in China, whose deeds and ideas have adequately impacted the practices and civilizations of China and other nations in East Asia. The study describes how the scholar contributed to the development of ethical practice, education, and religion in China and other parts of the world. In addition to influence on ancient China, practices and guidelines by Confucius continue to impact on modern societies.

Development of Moral and Ethical Guidelines through Confucianism

Confucius is important because he is responsible for the development of the Confucianism ideology, which became very influential in impacting the morality and personal ethics of the Chinese. Confucianism, a belief system and philosophy from classical China, played fundamental roles in laying the foundation of the Chinese culture. Confucius led his disciples in developing structures on moral character, good behavior, and ethics that form the basic components of Confucianism. The philosophy has guided Chinese people through the years to achieve peace and harmony. The point relating to Confucianism that do not do unto other people what you would not want them to do to you has significantly impact how the Chinese relate to each other. Confucius introduction of the four primary guidelines of Confucianism has played fundamental roles in promoting morality in the society. The principles advocate for righteousness, which calls for conducting oneself in the most suitable manner and the rejection of dishonor and inappropriate practice. The concept also calls for appropriate social order and an attitude of respect for ancestors and parents in a society impacted by Confucian thought. The concept known as filial piety is manifested, partly through the services one offers to their parents. Filial piety requires younger people to help the elderly by making them comfortable and happy during the final parts of their lives. Another chief principle of Confucianism is adherence to acceptable rituals and rites, which is a fundamental aspect of those ascribing to the ideology. For example, Confucianism advocates for engaging in suitable behaviors between generations and worship of ancestors. The idea was later broadened to all forms of ritualized practices. Within Confucianism, the goal of ritual was to participate in progressive process of utilizing suitable behaviors.  In addition, the principles of Confucianism advocate for integrity as one of the primary elements. Integrity in this scenario refers to practicing desirable behaviors all the time. Finally, the principles of Confucianism call for adhering to the concept of shame, which refers to the suitable reaction one should shows towards inappropriate behaviors. Confucianism idea of shame is perceives as one of the ways through which a person determine what is right and incorrect. Moreover, within the Confucian concept, shame was regarded the more the suitable ways of regulating behaviors of the population, contrary to punishment, as it permitted people to acknowledge their transgression and participate in self-advancement.

The development of Confucianism by Confucius also introduced eight virtues that play fundamental roles in promoting relationship in the society. A fundamental virtue that determine how people live and could be attributed to Confucianism is the need to be loyal. According to Confucianism, having a strong feeling of allegiance or support is a critical aspect that improves relationship among people in the society. The other Confucianism virtue that could be attributed to the scholar is need for peaceful coexistence. Besides, the virtues of Confucianism call for faithfulness, which requires people to be steadfast and loyal at all times. Besides, faithfulness requires that people be truthful in their actions to avoid controversies that could affect peaceful coexistence.

Contribution to Education Practices

Another reason why Confucius is deemed as important is because he contributed towards the development of education in China and across Asia. The scholar is acknowledged as the initial tutor in China who aimed at making education widely available and accessible and who played fundamental roles in building the art of teaching as a profession. The scholar committed most of his writing and teaching, and mostly taught music, cultural practice, and poetry. He also transformed education by offering education to every person. The main reason why the scholar contributed significantly to the field of education is that he believed in the idea of educability and equality of every person. Confucius regarded education as a way of facilitating change, the exploration of human nature, and the development of character. Confucius also believed that through education it is possible to build virtues. The teachings by Confucius dominated Chinese culture and thoughts for many years, and still impacts on the society today. The scholar also initiated independent and private teaching practices in the country, and played critical roles in gathering enough educational materials and experiences, as well as creating a comprehensive systematic education framework. Confucius also played important roles in building schools, composing literary materials, and creating educational theories that add much value to Chinese education and culture.

Confucius thoughts on education were entirely based on his concept of human nature theory and on his perception of working with people who have the ability and virtue to hold office in learning facilities. As earlier stated, Confucius had impacted on the Chinese culture in many aspects. During his attempts to improve educational practices in the country, he criticized thoughts that did not promote learning practices, and critically examined the existing culture of the time to find out if people are willing to embrace education. He also evidently criticized political directives that did not support education, arguing that to record significant progress in the field of education, it is imperative to receive adequate support from the government and other political institutions.

Impact on Religion

Debates continue regarding whether the concept of Confucianism is a religious or cultural ideology. Whereas the concept is best perceived as a moral guide to living and life with robust character, evidence suggest that the ideology by Confucius also had much influence in reviving early religious practices and beliefs. By embracing love, loyalty, and advocating for peace, Confucianism emerges as being influential in guiding religious practices. Today as it has been over the years, Confucianism is regarded as a religious ideology, especially in China where many people ascribe to the ideology. Confucianism as a religious concept has made significant strides over the years managing to attract more people into the faith.

Importance in Today’s Society

Confucius and his teachings still have significant influence in contemporary society. The scholar is well known today because of his quotes and sayings that inspire many people to work hard and achieve their best. The theorist, for example, said that “the slowness of how one moves does not really matter the most important thing is they do not stop. The scholar t6hrough the quote encourages people not to give up even when things do not work as anticipated. The moral lesson in the quote is to continue trying until everything becomes well. Another quote that has significant impact on people in the modern society is that “everything has its beauty, which may not be open to everyone.” Another quote that plays fundamental roles in guiding how people relate to each other in the contemporary society is the need to respect oneself to earn respect from others. The quote plays imperative roles in determining how people relate and helps to avoid possible violations of other people’s rights and freedoms. The theory encourages people in the modern society to appreciate others and to see the strength in them rather than castigating their views or disregarding their appearances. His teachings and traditions are still an essential aspect of Chinese education. The scholar’s beliefs in moral values also encourage people to relate to each other ethically while acknowledging that it is wrong to defy others. The need to relate with each other in the most ethical and moral manner has become a fundamental aspect of the Chinese society with many people appreciating ethical practices and moral relations at all times.

The other factor that shows the importance of Confucius in the modern society is that instructors still familiarize learners with the philosophical sayings and requirements of the ancient scholar. Despite having died hundreds of centuries ago, learning institutions in China and other parts of the globe have introduced the school of Confucianism, which mostly focus on Confucius teachings and beliefs. In Italy, for example, various institutions of higher learning, including Sapienza University of Rome, Oriental University of Napoli, and University of Turin have Confucius Institute. In China, the Chinese International Education Foundation plays fundamental functions in informing people about the concepts and ideologies of Confucianism. Such facilities exist in many other parts of the world, which suggests that Confucius and his ideologies have a substantial impact on current societies, especially learning facilities that find it necessary to equip learners with relevant information about the scholar.


The study shows that Confucius was important in many ways. The scholar’s teachings and ideologies influenced moral and ethical practice, especially in China where the influence of Confucianism became rampant. Through Confucianism the Chinese culture was built on ethical practice and morality. In addition, the concept facilitated the development of key principles that guide people’s lives and practices such as shame, integrity, righteousness, and propriety. Confucianism also contributed to the development of virtue ethics that determine how people relate to each other. Confucianism calls for being loyal, showing love, faithfulness, and peace. Adhering to such teachings have served imperative functions in promoting ethical practice and moral deeds not only in China, but also in other places. Concerning education, Confucius played important functions in promoting educational practices in the country. He campaigned for education and worked with people who value learning. The scholar also promoted the development of schools and encouraged people to attend schooling. The scholar also played important functions in developing schools. The teachings of Confucius have significant impact on religious practices because the idea of Confucianismhas some religious meanings. The teachings, quotes, and guidelines of the scholar also has significant impact on the modern society with people appreciating and following his teachings in many aspects.

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