Please elect Amanda Close Junior Class President

Hi guys. I am Amanda Close or Amy if you like. I’m running for junior class president and I would like you to vote for me. I won’t be long so I’d request you to give me a few minutes so that I can tell you what I am all about.

As you all know, I have been involved in lot activities in the school. For instance I am the editor of the school magazine and I know the stuff that we guys face. I have never failed to publish even a single article as long as there is space to do so. I would like to assure you that just like I have served you faithfully in the past, I will not let you down this time also. I will make this the best class ever in this high school.

Our junior teams have always been beaten by the senior teams in most competitions. Not that we are not good but we lack someone to inspire us. There is no point of working your back so hard and your effort goes unrecognized. Some of the prizes awarded in our competitions are ridiculous even to a kindergarten kid. How do give me a pen or a pencil pouch, I mean I can easily afford that even without getting into any competition!

Last but not least, prom night! If you elect me as junior class president, you will talk about your junior class prom night for years to come. I am going to organize for a local rock band to perform and some of you who have their small rock bands are going to curtain raise. This years Mr. and Mrs. Junior Class will be the bomb! The selection process will be fair and it won’t just about knowing the class president. So guys should start paring up like now.

I believe you guys have every reason to elect me. I will not let you down. I am going to make this the funkiest and most fun class even when you’re eighty you’ll still have fond memories. Thanks guys and vote for Amanda Close.

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