





Running Head: Worldview




















A worldview encompasses the integral and consistent sense of human existence and it is essential for providing a framework that can generate, sustain and apply knowledge. The worldview adopted by diverse people originates from the inimitable world experience that the people have been subjected to over a number of millennia (Bertrand, 2007). The worldview is not limited by political borders, because if a map of the worldview were drawn, it would surpass political borders. For this reason, a worldview is identified as a product of political borders as well as the experiences of people from the same geographical region, available economic resources, climatic-environmental conditions and finally the linguistic family. A worldview is said to be an ontology that consists of six essential components.

What are the essential components of a worldview?  

The first component of a worldview is a comprehensive explanation of the world. This encompasses the set of statements that are constructed to describe different facts about the world, which elucidate the context, consequences and causes of the facts linked to the world. The explanation culminates into the formation of new rules and laws as well as elucidating the existing ones to ensure that the world is well governed (Naugle, 2002). The second component is a futology, which answers the question that asks where we are heading. Essentially, the futology postulates preferable, possible and probable worldviews and futures and the myths linked to them. The third essential component encompasses the answers and values associated with the ethical question of what we should do. This component addresses the human morality issues connected to a worldview.

The fourth component involves the action theory, methodology or praxeology that answers the question that seeks to know how people can attain their goals. This deals with the study of the human action associated with attaining human goals. It also deals with an analysis of the methods used to attain the goals and the theories associated with the process that leads to the intentional human movements when taking the action of attaining set goals (Webb, 2008). The fifth component encompasses the theory of knowledge and epistemology linked to what is false and true. The sixth component involves an etiology, which asserts that a worldview must contain the account of the building blocks that make it up, its comprehensive origin as well as construction process.

What is your personal worldview and how does it affect your decision-making?      

My personal worldview is based on my religious beliefs. My worldview is that there are two aspects of human life, which are inclusive of the mind and matter. Matter makes up the substance that creates all physical objects while the mind spans over mental functions, consciousness, mental events and mental properties (Webb, 2008). When making any decisions, my mind is always involved with finding the advantages and disadvantages of the decision that I am about to make and how it will affect the matter that makes up my life. Matter and mind are created by God who is the Supreme Being that controls all human existence. He created the universe and everything that is in it.

I believe that all the answers to human questions are contained in the sacred writings that were composed through the inspiration of God. This means that when I want to make my decisions, I have to go back to the sacred writing, as they will direct me to make the right decisions based on the answers contained in them (Bertrand, 2007). The prediction contained in my worldview is that linked to the fact that there is life after death. Life does not only end after death but it continues to the after life, as this is what is assured in the sacred writings. The axiology of my worldview is that the sacred writing contains fixed values and laws that all human beings should follow in their quest for existence.

I believe that all human beings should follow the concrete and precise actions proposed in the sacred writing so that they could attain a good after life. When the actions are not followed, human beings do not attain a good afterlife, they are subjected to eternal suffering for the rest of eternity. Religion is the only order of life that human beings should follow (Naugle, 2002). This is because superior human knowledge can only be attained through the teachings found in the sacred writings as well as following the religious practices adopted by different religions. Knowledge does not just exist in the world but human beings are created with it and it can be extracted by reading the sacred writings as they provide the best direction that all human beings to follow for the acquisition of knowledge.













Bertrand, J. M. (2007). Rethinking Worldview: Learning to Think, Live, and Speak in this World. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

Naugle, D. K. (2002). Worldview: The History of a Concept. Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans.

Webb, E. (2008). Worldview and Mind: Religious Thought and Psychological Development. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press.

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