Personal Statement for Economics

Personal Statement for Economics

Transfer applicant prompt

I selected Economics as my choice of studying Major based on my experience in Hong Kong, where I studied Economics for five years. Back in Hong Kong when I was introduced to the study of Economics, I created interest in understanding the different economies of several countries and their astounding difference. For example, I was curious to know why some countries very unstable and poor economies than others. In addition, since I am talented and fascinated by arithmetical calculations, I developed a great interest in finding out the economic rate figures of different countries and their continuous variation.

In the University where I pursued my major, I participated in several activities including being a part of the Economic Stock Simulation club. It involved activities including economic research on stock exchange rates of global countries, organizing events such as economic symposiums, going to educational business trips and working closely with the school’s finance department among others. I was mainly involved in the stock exchange category of the club’s activities because it involved assessing and analyzing of exchange rate figures, which was my area of interest. It helped me to utilize my skills in performing arithmetic calculations and expanded my knowledge beyond just looking at economic figures.

For example, in the school club events like symposiums, my involvement enabled me to learn on economic theories and concepts in analyzing the economic states of different countries. In addition, I was also able to improve my communication skills and interact with business professionals, whom would exchange important information on the economic career in the real world. This helped me to learn and compare the study I was pursuing with what was required in the economic profession. The business professions would also offer us opportunities to visit their company and learn about the operations that take place in the career field. In addition, they would offer us opportunities to apply for internship opportunities in their company.

I was able to secure an internship position in a Stock Exchange company, which was owned by one of the business moguls who came to visit the school to support the Economics club. I assisted one of the professional brokers in analyzing money exchange rates of different companies and gave the analysis and choice of the company, in which clients would make their purchase. This helped me utilize my talents and skills to the fullest potential and gain more knowledge and experience in the economic career field.

Prompt for all applicants

             I am very fortunate to be a person with a strong will in achieving the goals I have set in my life. This strength can be related back when I was studying in Hong Kong. Students in that appeared to be bright to the extent that one would find it intimidating. However, this did not bother me because I had complete confidence that I was going to achieve this. I never felt intimidated by being in a school environment that was completely different from what I was used to. I instead decided to turn the circumstance into a positive challenge that would help me to grow in several aspects.

The first days of my attendance at the business school in Hong Kong, my experience in learning was challenging because of the period in adjusting to a different education system. For example, during class periods, I was always left behind because of how I found it difficult to understand the teacher. Most of the time, I experienced a problem of language barrier, where the teacher would talk English unclearly due to his Chinese accent. This made it hard for me to understand the subject.

However, this did not stop me from pursuing my goal because I am a person who does not give up easily. I decided to interact with other students in order to make friends with people who would help me in catching up with the class. I encountered bullies who would tempt me to look down on myself. For example, they would imitate how I asked many questions in class. At some point, I almost fell into the trap of giving up and loosing confidence. I stopped asking as much questions of which resulted to my poor academic performance in the first semester. My class teacher was concerned and therefore she decided to meet with me after class to discuss my performance. After a few days, I realized that I had to stop listening to other students who influenced me negatively because I believed in my strong will and character in achieving my goals.

In my second semester, I decided to loose the attitude of feeling sorry for myself and focused on improving my academic grades. I went back to asking questions in class despite the negative comments I got from other students. When the bullies tried to bring me down, I laughed because I could not believe how much time I wasted paying attention to people who did not help me in anyway. This is when I put increased effort in my studies and started showing remarkable improvement in my grades.

However, I remember the time I performed fairly well in the economic subject during the final exam. The grade was not as bad to the level of repeating, but I decided to redo the same unit the next semester despite delaying my graduation date to one year. In achieving my goals, I always focus on ensuring that I give the best in everything. I wanted to do exceptionally well in the unit in order to have a better average grade. The next semester, I performed really well that I was ranked among the performing top students in school. I was so happy and proud of myself because due to my determination, I earned a scholarship that would enable me to pursue my education further.

I also have a strength in being aggressive in ensuring that in anything I do is to the best of my ability. For example, I participated in playing football for the school in which I gave full participation and energy and emerged as one of the best players in school. Sports was an important part of my school life because it was a way of relaxation after experiencing pressure from having challenges in academics. The next day, my mind was strong enough to help me face those difficulties in class. I am also an independent person because I find my pride in depending on my efforts to get what I want in life, when I got my first job in the stock exchange company, I was very happy with myself because I was able to earn my living without depending on my parents. In addition, I was also able to assist my parents financially. For example, I was able to pay some of the house expenses including electricity and hence lift the burden off my parents.

Transfer applicant prompt

I selected Economics as my choice of studying Major based on my experience in Hong Kong, where I studied Economics for five years. Back in Hong Kong when I was introduced to the study of Economics, I created interest in understanding the different economies of several countries and their astounding difference. For example, I was curious to know why some countries very unstable and poor economies than others. In addition, since I am talented and fascinated by arithmetical calculations, I developed a great interest in finding out the economic rate figures of different countries and their continuous variation.

In the University where I pursued my major, I participated in several activities including being a part of the Economic Stock Simulation club. It involved activities including economic research on stock exchange rates of global countries, organizing events such as economic symposiums, going to educational business trips and working closely with the school’s finance department among others. I was mainly involved in the stock exchange category of the club’s activities because it involved assessing and analyzing of exchange rate figures, which was my area of interest. It helped me to utilize my skills in performing arithmetic calculations and expanded my knowledge beyond just looking at economic figures.

For example, in the school club events like symposiums, my involvement enabled me to learn on economic theories and concepts in analyzing the economic states of different countries. In addition, I was also able to improve my communication skills and interact with business professionals, whom would exchange important information on the economic career in the real world. This helped me to learn and compare the study I was pursuing with what was required in the economic profession. The business professions would also offer us opportunities to visit their company and learn about the operations that take place in the career field. In addition, they would offer us opportunities to apply for internship opportunities in their company.

I was able to secure an internship position in a Stock Exchange company, which was owned by one of the business moguls who came to visit the school to support the Economics club. I assisted one of the professional brokers in analyzing money exchange rates of different companies and gave the analysis and choice of the company, in which clients would make their purchase. This helped me utilize my talents and skills to the fullest potential and gain more knowledge and experience in the economic career field.

Prompt for all applicants

             I am very fortunate to be a person with a strong will in achieving the goals I have set in my life. This strength can be related back when I was studying in Hong Kong. Students in that appeared to be bright to the extent that one would find it intimidating. However, this did not bother me because I had complete confidence that I was going to achieve this. I never felt intimidated by being in a school environment that was completely different from what I was used to. I instead decided to turn the circumstance into a positive challenge that would help me to grow in several aspects.

The first days of my attendance at the business school in Hong Kong, my experience in learning was challenging because of the period in adjusting to a different education system. For example, during class periods, I was always left behind because of how I found it difficult to understand the teacher. Most of the time, I experienced a problem of language barrier, where the teacher would talk English unclearly due to his Chinese accent. This made it hard for me to understand the subject.

However, this did not stop me from pursuing my goal because I am a person who does not give up easily. I decided to interact with other students in order to make friends with people who would help me in catching up with the class. I encountered bullies who would tempt me to look down on myself. For example, they would imitate how I asked many questions in class. At some point, I almost fell into the trap of giving up and loosing confidence. I stopped asking as much questions of which resulted to my poor academic performance in the first semester. My class teacher was concerned and therefore she decided to meet with me after class to discuss my performance. After a few days, I realized that I had to stop listening to other students who influenced me negatively because I believed in my strong will and character in achieving my goals.

In my second semester, I decided to loose the attitude of feeling sorry for myself and focused on improving my academic grades. I went back to asking questions in class despite the negative comments I got from other students. When the bullies tried to bring me down, I laughed because I could not believe how much time I wasted paying attention to people who did not help me in anyway. This is when I put increased effort in my studies and started showing remarkable improvement in my grades.

However, I remember the time I performed fairly well in the economic subject during the final exam. The grade was not as bad to the level of repeating, but I decided to redo the same unit the next semester despite delaying my graduation date to one year. In achieving my goals, I always focus on ensuring that I give the best in everything. I wanted to do exceptionally well in the unit in order to have a better average grade. The next semester, I performed really well that I was ranked among the performing top students in school. I was so happy and proud of myself because due to my determination, I earned a scholarship that would enable me to pursue my education further.

I also have a strength in being aggressive in ensuring that in anything I do is to the best of my ability. For example, I participated in playing football for the school in which I gave full participation and energy and emerged as one of the best players in school. Sports was an important part of my school life because it was a way of relaxation after experiencing pressure from having challenges in academics. The next day, my mind was strong enough to help me face those difficulties in class. I am also an independent person because I find my pride in depending on my efforts to get what I want in life, when I got my first job in the stock exchange company, I was very happy with myself because I was able to earn my living without depending on my parents. In addition, I was also able to assist my parents financially. For example, I was able to pay some of the house expenses including electricity and hence lift the burden off my parents.

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