Peer Review

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Peer Review

Peer Review 1 – The Rise and Power of Hip Hop

The author addresses the question competently and shows knowledge of the topic. He indicates that hip-hop served fundamental roles in airing the injustice Black Americans faced at the height of racial discrimination. The author shows mastery of the subject by mentioning the history of hip-hop and how it has impacted people. However, the author only addresses the historical part of the genre but uses visuals effectively to reiterate the message. Overall, the author deploys appealing rhetorical techniques to attract readers’ attention.

Peer Review 2 – How Artists Use Music 

The topic and the content of the post are okay. The author describes the purpose and shows that he understands the content by elaborating. Nonetheless, the post lacks visual presentations, and the author does not give a historical or future perspective of the topic. However, the author uses appealing techniques, especially logos, to appeal to the audience.

Peer Review 3 – Rise in East Asian Pop

The topic and content of the post are precise. The author seeks to describe how pop music developed in East Asia after 2000. The author shows mastery of the subject in how he elaborates on various issues. He gives the historical and current aspects but fails to provide the future aspect of the topic. Nonetheless, the author uses images appropriately and deploys ethos and logos to appeal to the audience.

Peer Review 4 – Affects of Folk Music

The topic is precise, and the author addresses the impact of folk music on the present. The author uses images to emphasize the topic and shows an understanding of the subject in the way he addresses various issues competently. However, the author only focuses on the historical aspect while paying little attention to current and future possibilities. Overall, the post is appealing because the author incorporates logos and ethos.

Peer Review 5 – Vietnam Protest Music

The topic is precise, and the author places the work into historical and current contexts but fails to give the future perspective. Besides, the author uses images sparingly. However, he shows mastery in the subject in how he effectively addresses various points. Moreover, the author utilizes appealing rhetorical techniques, especially logos, to convince the audience.

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