Part 1/Management and Part 2-3/Psychology of Learning

Management /Psychology of learning





Management /Psychology of learning

1. Leadership is referred to as an act of social influence where an individual takes a responsibility of helping or supporting others in accomplishment of set objectives. It deals with the process of developing ways for individuals to participate in creating something unique. The ability to integrate and maximize the available resources successfully within both internal and external surroundings for achieving the goals of the society is known as effective leadership.

Leadership today is the process where an individual takes a responsibility of guiding and supporting others in current period, while leadership tomorrow involves learning how certain measures or skills; that assist one to be able to a responsible person in future.

There are several challenges that the leaders are most likely to encounter over the next ten years and they include establishing, and keeping a team that is diversified. A team has people from different cultures; therefore, it may become a challenge to a leader of such a team to maintain and be in position to develop a unified front among the group members. Another challenge includes  motivating others to  be part and share the vision set by an organization, providing open and clear communication within the team, encouraging the a person to take action. Therefore, these challenges will be successfully achieved through a determined person.

2. Learning is the ability to either acquire or modify the existing skills, knowledge, values among others. Given the fact that there are different types of learning, such as classical and differences on how people learn; this information can be applied by the use of other forms of learning such as habituation (Maynard, 2005). By considering how to improve the learning process of students, it is necessary to know the manner in which a person studies.

The study of learning styles can be applied in a better form through education. For instance, if a person is able to understand the style of learning of an individual, then it becomes easier to assume that connecting instructions to that style may be more effective. It is normal to see learners joining a learning institution with their own style of learning. Thus, when they found a learning style that matches theirs then they are most likely to perform better.

3.  A theory is a set of concepts involving abstraction of observable phenomena expressed as quantifiable properties in addition to rules that expresses relationships between observations of such ideas, whereas, a model is referred to as a theoretical representation that demonstrates economic processes by a collection of variables and a set of logical or quantitative relationships between them. Science is a mop-up operation according to Kuhn because it develops in a cognitive way and can be proved right or wrong. Kuhn and popper `s works are necessary to the fugal themes within science. Kuhn noted that scientific revolutions develop cognitively through the acquisition and refinement of paradigms. The scientific concept of law differ from the term used in a legal or a religious sense in that, law tends to explain what is or not to happen (Matthew, 2009). They can be viewed as theories that have concepts that have been proven. It is true to say that science differs from the other fields of inquiry such as philosophy and theology largely.

Steps used in setting up a learning experiment involve setting up the classroom, deciding on how the centers in the room will be divided. Keeps the volume division helps decide which center belongs where in the classroom. Label the centers clearly and in presentable manner. Learning and the theories discussed apply to real life situations.






Matthew, H. (2009).An introduction to theories of learning. New York, NY: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Maynard, A. (2005).Learning in cultural context: family, peers, and school. New Yok, NY: Sage.

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