Onboarding New Staff

Onboarding New Staff

Effective adoption of a technology that could assist university staff to perform better with the onboarding process requires members to undergo training and learning that will equip them with relevant skills and information regarding what the practice requires. Trainers should proceed to familiarize members of staff with the key components of the technology upon identifying their training needs. For example, the training and learning program should familiarize trainees with the 5 Cs of onboarding, which entails paying attention to culture, confidence, clarification, connection, and compliance (Training Standards Council 2). Adhering to these principles provides a suitable chance engage in onboarding in the most effective manner. More fundamentally, being a digital leader, which means being conversant with technology, innovative, and forward thinking presents a suitable opportunity to excel (Tanniru 95). Thus, team leaders should focus on aspects that will make the process successful.

Embracing and implementing the technology could have significant impact on organizational operations. The task takes much time and require more members of staff to complete assigned duties. However, deploying the technology will come as a relief because onboarding new staff will not require many members of staff to work on a particular task and assigned duties will not consume a lot of time. The ease with which the process shall happen confirm the argument by Cascio and Montealegre that utilizing technology permits users to automate duties, track performance, and perform multiple functions at the same time (356). Besides, computerized operations are much faster and are now more enhanced and powered than before. With all the ongoing transformations, technology has made life easier, better, and faster. Consequently, the intervening team should enact suitable measures to ensure that the initiative succeeds.

Works Cited

Cascio, Wayne and Ramiro Montealegre. “How Technology Is Changing Work and Organizations.” Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, vol. 3, no. 1, 2016, pp. 349-375. X DOI:10.1146/annurev-orgpsych-041015-062352

Tanniru, Mohan. “Digital Leadership.” Management of Information Systems, Maria Pomffyova (Ed.), The University of Arizona Press, 2018, 94-109.

Training Standards Council. 5Cs Training. Training Standards Council, 2000.

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