Negative Messages – Video Memo

To: Dana Nasser

From: Tatsuya Makito

Date: October 31, 2010

Re: Negative Messages – Video Memo


Based on the Negative Message videos, it is discernible that there are definite strategies for delivering news that is necessarily not in accord with the recipient’s desires. Depending on the reaction of the recipient, whether it be a customer or other members of the workforce, it is important that the situation is dealt with properly. Both the Bad Ending and Good Ending scenarios have provided me with ideal learning resources for dealing with negative messages.


To deliver bad news, it is important that the recipient understands the news being conveyed to him. Not only that, but he has to accept the outcome that the news provides. In case of a good outcome where the acceptance is achieved, the provider of the information has to enhance a positive image of the organization, despite the negative message. At the same time, the receiver has to accept that fairness of the preceding situation has not been overlooked and that no outstanding legal liability or responsibility exists.


In case of a bad outcome where acceptance is not achieved on the delivery of the news, it is important that the conveyer of the negative message reduce the urge to condescend the recipient of the message. This is usually done where the conveyer attempts to sympathize with the receiver thereby creating further aggravation indirectly. Other scenarios to be avoided include engaging the receiver in an argument or even using abusive language. At the same time, any careless language that is potentially legally damaging could worsen the situation.


I have learnt a lot from the videos provided. Providing negative information in any scenario will vary, but the general outcome should guide the communicator with clues as to how best the situation should be handled. In retrospect, the negative message should not become the beginning of an even more serious situation.

















Works Cited

Guffey, Mary Ellen, Patricia Rogin, and Kathleen Rhodes. Business Communication: Process and Product. New York, NY:       Cengage Learning, 2009. Print.

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