

The manner in which managers perform the different roles amidst different situations in an organization is wholly determined by the style of management that they adopt (Dulewicz & Higgs, 2005). The choice of ones management style is determined by ones organizations, available resources and the intended results. After evaluating ones organization, a manager will choose the best management style that suits him. On the other hand, a manager may combine different management styles in varying proportions according to the situation that he is presented with (Thornton, 2008). The management style adopted by a manager largely determines the performance of the organization. This is because different management styles have different motivation and productivity levels for the organization. This task will analyze two different management styles highlighting their advantages and disadvantages. This will be achieved by selecting two leaders from two companies and analyzing their management styles together with its impact on their specific organizations performance.


Case study: Steve Jobs- Apple Corporation

Steve Job started the company in his garage in Los Alton with a vision to develop a computer, which was affordable. When Microsoft offered its product BASIC to Apple, Job refused the offer preferring to develop his own version. His decisiveness started to be seen early in his career. Compared to other executives in IT who are consolidators and liberals, Steve Job’s career has been raised on standards of being a more a demanding creator due to his nature of being a hard-core programmer. According to Bill Taylor, Job can be praised for the growth, which has seen Apple’s products edge out competitors and take a competitive edge in the consumer electronics market. However, Job still clings to the traditional Great Man Theory of Leadership, which identifies a CEO centric model of executive power (Nusca, 2007).

Mr. Jobs has a direct touch in all the company products where he attends to products’ details.

However, his approach is mixed with charisma, which makes his autocratic management style cause a growth at Apples. Steve Job’s management style has been termed as demanding and aggressive whose self-concept has pushed the information technology firm to prominence in the global electronics market. Steve Job’s style has occasionally made Apple employees challenged in their duties. To Steve Job, the regular rules do not apply, which has seen him park his Mercedes in a space reserved for handicapped persons. Apples’ policies developed under Steve Job have seen the company flouting Google standards. This autocratic style is however the source of Apple success.

Although many companies believe in treating their employees like gods, Jobs is known as a manager who does not spare even his most loyal employees. Every employee could find himself a victim of Mr. Job’s tirades in case of inefficiencies. On the other hand, instead of wholly delegating product creation to his executives, Mr. Job is known to inspect even the screw that bind Apple product to ensure they are up to standards. However, Job’s employees have remained devoted to the company due to his ability to balance his management style with zeal and charisma. In many cases, it has been told that Jobs makes his employees cry but in business sense, he is always right. Steve Job’s management style is exhibited by his known sense of radical secrecy. Although many people may expect successful managers to have a sound and open public relations system, he has adopted an approach based on “radical transparency”. Job’s relationship with reporters is a dismissive one where he declines to talk to the press. In some cases, Apple’s employees have been restricted access to some departments and areas of the company. This is due to Job’s sense of secrecy, which has allowed Apples to develop products, unknown to rivals. It has been attributed as a primary reason for the company’s growth amid the competition.

Advantages of Autocratic management style

Autocratic leadership style creates a productive group, which is attained while the CEO is watching (Adeniyi, 2007). This approach helps the manager to exert productivity over his team of employees, which makes them become effective, and speeder. It also eliminates cases of slack employees since it requires all employees to work hard towards achievement of company objectives. This has been attributes as the key reason behind growth of major companies like Apple amid intense competition in the market.

This style improves the logistics of company operations. This is because a leader’s involvement in majority of operations in the company allows for early detection of deviations and problems, which may be hard for junior executives to spot. This is helpful especially in company projects that have strict deadlines and ventures that require cooperation between departments (Bolman & Deal, 2003). The manager’s presence will lead all employees to work together with fewer conflicts caused by insubordination between workers. Autocratic management style makes it easier and speedier to make decisions. Consultations derail decision making especially for projects that require minimal consultations. This allows the company to have quick response to problems in the business environment. Consistency and efficiency is highly boosted since it increases the responsibility of each employee in the company.

Disadvantages of Autocratic leadership

Autocratic management style however has limitations, which discourage many organizational managers from adopting it. This approach denies the employees a valuable chance of gaining knowledge and experience. It is therefore short-termist since the manager de-skills his workers by interfering with decisions that give employees leadership development. In essence autocratic management style causes employees to make poor decision since they have not been trained and exposed to sound decision-making.

The style is highly demotivating to the employees. In many cases workers dislike being ordered around and being treated with little trust. The current generation of employees term the practice old fashioned and demotivating. Due to the fear of being questioned on their decisions employees, become resentful and tense (Adizes, 2004).This decreases morale, and gives rise to absenteeism, work stoppage and eventually reduced performance. Autocratic management style is involving to the manager since he is expected to be directly involved in the daily activities of different departments. By working to full capacity, a manager may develop health conditions like stress, hypertension and depression. It is also a recipe for damaging relationship with other members of the management team.

Failure to involve other parties in lengthy debate before decision-making could prove disastrous to the company in achieving its performance objectives. Decision-making forms a vital part of policy generation. When decision-making is reserved for one manager, there ma results overlooking of vital data required for viable decision. This may finally result to inefficient products and services.


Review of different management style is essential to identify the best approach to decision making in an organization. By analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of different management styles and their application in real organization, the task measures the effective of each style and impact on the motivation and performance of the company (Belker & Topchik, 2005). It is identified that the choice of a management depends with the personal character of the manager, organizational needs ant the type of business environment that the company operates. Although it is good for a manager to be in control of a company, it is more productive to create channels through which delegation and participatory management is applied. Additionally it is important for manger to encourage teamwork, which optimizes the success of company’s projects. Finally, it is important to acknowledge that effective management and performance is due to the management style adopted by the manager.


















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