Leadership management

Leadership management

Organizational justice is the people’s perception of fair treatment of all employees in an organization. It has been observed that poor treatment of employees lowers their morale resulting in low work productivity (Hughes, Ginnett, & Curphy, 2008, p. 271). Therefore, the practice of organizational justice at any tier of business is important to the success of the organization as a whole. Considerations of the components of organizational justice are therefore a critical and indeed a fundamental part of leadership management.

The three components of organizational justice are; interactional justice, distributive justice and procedural justice. Interactional justice refers to the level at which the members of the organization are treated respectfully and honorably irrespective of their position. It also refers to the degree to which the members of the organization are informed about the reward procedures of the organization. Distributive justice refers to the employees take on whether the reward and punishment procedure is excessive or too little. Procedural justice is the course of action that is observed during the reward or punishment of an individual within the organization (Hughes et al., 2008, p. 286). If someone is to be punished, the procedure followed should therefore be standard. For example, enough warnings should have been issued, the person should receive an explanation as to why he or she is being punished and allowed to give reasons for his action. The punishment should also befit the fault and should be issued fairly and in a timely manner.

The organization’s management should treat each employee fairly to ensure the smooth operation of the business. Treating employees unfairly is a sign of managerial ineptitude and has a negative impact on employee performance, as well as having the potential to affect the organization adversely on other financial aspects (Hughes et al., 2008, p. 446). By comprehending fully the concepts of leadership management, it is possible to enhance cooperation among the employees thereby improving the overall productivity of the organization.



Hughes, R., Ginnett, R., & Curphy, G., (2008), Leadership: Enhancing The Lessons of Experience, 6th Ed., Prentice Hall Publishers

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