

Participative management encompasses the procedure of concerning specific individuals who are affected by specific decisions in the actual making of the given decision. The benefit accrued from such a setting is that the parties involved ensure that their needs are fully represented and satisfied at the end of the process (Bourion, 2006). By analyzing Anne’s case, it is quite evident that her supervisor did not apply this model of leadership leading to an autocratic leadership style where the roles are defined by the leader and the employees are mandated to follow. Although the whole arrangement seems quite satisfactory to Anne’s manager, she is not happy with the setup and therefore lowly motivated. Generally, motivation acts as the impetus behind employee participation and dedication in a business setting. By the knowledge that Anne is frustrated with her work means that she will be less induced to perform her duties.

To address this issue, the manager should involve Anne in an interactive session where her individual interests and preferences are acknowledged (Daft, 2007). In Anne’s situation, it is evident that she prefers to work under a structured work program and this would be the first thing that the manager should implement. Secondly, her timid nature would act as a constraint in the brainstorming sessions because she would not be able to project her ideas before an audience. To remedy this, Anne has to be trained how to boldly promote her opinions to an audience or a group of people. The most effectual way to achieve this is to employ the teambuilding concept where she will learn the art of brainstorming while achieving the objective of realizing that her ideas and participation counts in the process (Plunkett, & Fournier, 1991). Her communication skills will also be enhanced in the process until she is ready to work independently from the other workers.



Bourion, C. (2006). A management system exempt from power: learning to manage with consideration for others. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.

Daft, R. L. (2007). The leadership experience. Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

Plunkett, L. C., & Fournier, R. (1991). Participative management: implementing empowerment. Montgomery, AL: Wiley.





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