Lead-Across Principle

Lead-Across Principle

As the title suggests, lead-across principle in a working environment are those that accord an effectual and healthy type of leadership that motivates ethical relational  practices through personal models that are easily emulated by the followers. The perspective applied concerns the peer-to-peer management approach with the leader accorded the responsibility of earning respect from his/ her juniors through the enhancement of a reverential. Additionally, the leader has to promote constructive motivational practices as a form of follower incentives towards en effectual working culture. Thereby, the seven principles identified by Maxwell (2006) in his publication have the common premise of a laissez-faire technique of management that elevates the significance of adherents within an organization by focusing on their individual (micro) development for a holistic (macro) expansion in the organization.

The first premise, “Understand, Practice, and Complete the Leadership Loop” (Maxwell, 2006, p.151) is based on the ability of a leader to create a loyal environment in which followers skills are enhanced through healthy relationships based on the trust virtue. The loop begins with an active indication from the leader towards knowing the followers and subsequently the actualization of the process where one is able to discover the strong and weak points of the other individual. A good example was acting a group leader within the learning environment. As a group leader, I had to identify the strengths of the members to be able to accord roles that each individual executes in the best manner for the group, especially on projects or assignments.

The third sphere is concerned with creating a mutual relationship based on trust and esteem for one another. Every individual within the group was able to contribute various ideas towards various questions and offering an equitable treatment to all led to harmony and respect. Lack of this would have created dissentions and group arguments.

With this type of healthy association, the leader is capable of imparting worth in the followers through knowledge dissemination, using own experiences. I believe that identity is an important aspect for the survival of a group and as each individual contributes, knowledge is shared. The fifth step is the inclusion of positive affirmation towards well executed roles. Consequently this leads to constructive influences in organization, which is the sixth stage, with the last being creating an appeal to the followers (Maxwell, 2006). Good work should be praised for a constructive build to each individual and as the members attained the feeling of significance, they offered quality roles that led to an overall benefit of the group. As the leader, I created an appeasing approach of leadership for the group members.

The second premise, “Let the Best Idea Win” (Maxwell, 2006, p.187) reminds leaders of the ego weakness infused in every individual thereby infusing an element of biasness in the decision process. This is attributed to the fact that, each individual considers their ideas as the most excellent. Reverting to the earlier example, I had to always reminiscence on the fact that in various topics, the group members would surpass my ability, intellect or comprehension. Therefore, by indentifying such areas, it translated to individual benefits accrued by offering the discussion to the conversant individuals for constructive peer-to-peer teaching. This translated to academic improvements as time that would be spent on personal study on the same topic would be accumulated and applied to other units. The last Premise, “Don’t Pretend You’re Perfect” (Maxwell, 2006, p.195) bears a level of congruence to the preceding principle with leaders required to take liability for their weaknesses with the main being leadership faults.

This enables followers to acquire a pragmatic relationship with the leaders and attain a healthy relationship for the enhancement of group activities. Having an accountable culture creates a constructive environment for an all-rounded development for the organization. Within the discussion group, taking responsibility for my own faults portrayed a pragmatic setting in which group members felt liberated to share their ideas and faults towards within the whole group and this led to the application of mitigating strategies to overcome projected limitations that would be costly to the group.














Maxwell, J. C. (2006). 360 Degree Leader Workbook: Developing Your Influence from Anywhere in the Organization. Bakersfield, CA: Thomas Nelson Inc.

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