Is Jesus the Only Way to God? – Reflection

Is Jesus the Only Way to God? – Reflection

Human beings are all limited by their own minds. We only take in what our minds can comprehend or “digest”. What we feel that it is too much for us, we tend to do away with it or just find any explanation in order to make our conscious accommodate it. The subtle aspect of our bodies craves for more and more and that is why people will go to great lengths in finding a particular truth. However, unlike the suggestions of Dr. Norm Geisler, God cannot be understood, not with our mortal minds. The human mind likes clear patterns rather than complex ones. I.e. black and white, no and yes and so on. Fortunately, or unfortunately, God does not work that way. What would be the essence of knowing or believing in him if he was that easy to understand like my next-door neighbor?

On the other hand, the spirit is not as limited as the mind. The spirit connects people/individuals with God. Dr. Geisler speaks of a truth- God is the Absolute Truth. However, it is the spirit and not the material mind that help us to comprehend what we can about God and to take in what we cannot fully understand about God for He cannot be fully understood. It is logic to approach god’s truth from only one perspective- Aristotelian perspective. God is not that straight forward. In fact, the mind, whether material or immaterial, will never fully understand God on its own. It has its limitations, just like the rest of the body. However, the rest of the spirit, which is not limited, works together with the mind, in order to come up with such conclusions as Dr. Geisler has come up with in this talk.

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