







The best choice that is best for an infant is child Care A. Infants need a lot of care and attention when they are growing up. They undergo vast changes in motor, cognitive, social and physical capabilities as they keep on growing. Most psychologists carry out research to determine the development of infants and address many issues especially learning processes, parental and the social concerns especially when it comes to child rearing. There are major issues in development psychology that are mostly focused when dealing with child development including, motor skills, peer relationships, language acquisition and many others. Thus, social, cognitive and physical developments are the important aspects of behaviors that combines together to mold up the behavior development of children.

Therefore, Tyree being an infant of eight months needs a lot of care and attention thus John and Sue will need to take her to Child Care A even if it expensive because of the following reasons. First, many children at the age of eight months have already started crawling thus they need a lot of care and attention. This is the age when they become sharp trying to develop learning skills hence need people to interact with them. The research carried out on children development reveals that intellectual skills are primarily shaped by the environment where the children grow in. Thus, a school where teachers are always close to children is essential because this helps children to learn proper communicating skills, language acquisition and understanding.

Psychologists reveal that nature and nurture are the important aspects of behaviors that combine to mold up the behavior development of children. It is hard to identify the critical factor between the two aspects. However, the most concerning issue in child development is how the environment and hereditary factors contribute to their development (Bukatko and Daehler, 2004). For instance, children may possess certain roles such as playing when they are growing up. This active role may be attributed by certain qualities that children possess, perhaps through inheriting or eliciting from others. The research indicates that children are not simply the passive recipients of the environment but their capabilities and development efforts are a contribution of physical and social world.

Secondly, the social environment contributes greatly to behavioral development of the infants. For instance, an institution where teachers socialize with the infants is considered an essential institution because infants learn and develop better communication skills in an interactive environment. The way infants think or respond depends on the arrangement of the physical and societal events they experience (Bukatko and Daehler, 2004). The socio-cultural context in an environment determines the development of a child. For example the kind of education they receive, healthcare, physical-being, emotional expressiveness and the cultural values. The researchers indicate that most developmental outcomes are greatly contributed to by the socio-cultural context.

Nevertheless, social learning in child development emphasizes the importance of child learning through observation and imitations from others. Thus, infants should not be left alone hence teachers or parents should spend a lot of time with them. For instance, when infants have reached the age of eight months and above, they usually have a nap twice a day; thus most of the time they crawl everywhere playing and enjoying things in the new environment. Thus, infants who have already started crawling need a lot of attention because this is a critical stage. The social learning theorists reveal that social learning and other acquisition behaviors are crucial means of achieving new behaviors in child development.

Lastly, children learn through their senses and interaction with people and things around them. In addition, they can be able to identify colors and develop cognitive skills of differentiating things. Most infants prefer colorful objects with different types of music and toys to play with. They learn through use of their senses thus construct the meaning and understanding different things using their senses. Their cognitive development can be identified through language skills, interactions with others and playing with objects and materials. For instance, infants at the age of eight months can develop physically through learning to localize sounds and playing with objects that attract them. In case of social development, they can distinguish among the familiar people, seek attention or contact from people and sometimes develop special attention towards others.

It is important to support infant’s development because the first year of child development is the time of incredible development and learning. Understanding rapid development changes in an infant is essential because it prepares the parents or childcare providers to give active and proper attention to the development status of the child. These will help infants to learn and acquire skills that are necessary for later learning. Consequently, it is an important part of teaching infants and enabling them to cope up with the environment. Actually, giving support in an infant’s development is an essential part of human existence because each child has a unique development behavior. However, there are universally accepted assumptions in child development but not more than two children have similar characteristics. This is because infants differ cognitively, socially, physically and emotionally in growth. The way they interact with the environment too is different. Thus, understanding the development sequence of infants prepares the parents or childcare providers to help and provide necessary attention to all infants.

In conclusion, the social environment contributes greatly to behavioral development of the infants. Social learning in child development emphasizes the significance of child learning through observation and imitations from others. This is essential because it is through social interactions that infants develop better development skills. Children learn through their senses and interaction with people and things around them. It is important to support infant’s development because the first year of child development is the time of incredible development and learning. Thus, infants should be given attention and proper care in order to enable them develop their skills and adapt to the environment.





Bukatko, D. & Daehler M.W. (2004). Child development: A Thematic Approach. Pennsylvania:

Houghton Mifflin.



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