

Chapter 15 gives a history of the western world about the revolutions that took place due to the atomic bombs that were experienced during this period, which is before World War II. The book has provided information about the general perception about the atomic bombs that led to the rise of World War II. The conflicts that existed during this period led to ideological differences that later led to the rise of World War II. After the World War II, there was the rise of the two world powers that were divided by their ideologies. These were the United States that supported capitalism and the Soviet Union that supported communism (Greer and Lewis 592). The main reason behind the conflicts was resources and power. This chapter has indicated the reasons that led to the fall of some of the European Empires in the period before colonialism.

However, the main focus is how the cold war developed during this period. The two ideologies made the United States and the Soviet Union to organize nations into groups that would support them. The cold war made the two to go to the countries that were being colonized in search for their support. Therefore, the ideological difference between the two nations helped in de-colonization. The African countries were mostly colonized by the western countries that supported capitalism. In addition to stopping colonization, cold war led to world peace when it ended. This is due to the fall of the Soviet Union and therefore there were no further conflicts (Greer and Lewis 595). It made it easier to control the world under one power than before when the world was divided. However, the negative effect of cold war was the overutilization of the resources, nuclear proliferation and terrorism.

Chapter 16 presents information about the current scientific research and the discoveries that have been made. It also indicates the traditional religious and philosophical beliefs and their relation with the current beliefs. This chapter shows that the current discoveries are based on the earlier discoveries that were made during the industrial and agrarian revolution. However, this technology has evolved and it is being used presently in technological developments such as the atomic bombs. In addition, the author indicates that earlier religious and societal believes have changed. From 1950s, the religious people were encouraged to accommodate the other people through showing affection and humility. This can be related with the cold war periods when conflicts were high. There was also the change in the social organization and equality of gender was encouraged. This was a great shift from the traditional beliefs that women were inferior and therefore they were denied most of their rights (Greer and Lewis 597). The book shows that the organization of the society was moving from a primitive to a civilized society as is being experienced today. Therefore, the freedom being enjoyed today was a result of this period.

Chapter 17 has indicated the origin of the current civil society and the freedom they enjoy today. This is not a recent activity because it dates back to the enlightenment period. This was the period that people were demanding for their rights and therefore they had to formulate ways that would help them to achieve that. As a result, they formed groups that developed into institutions that are currently referred to as civil society (Greer and Lewis 602). In addition, this chapter connects to chapter 16 because it shows what followed after the end of the cold war. It indicates that there was the rise of the western countries that control the world. They became the pioneers and advocates of the democracy. This was an effect of the cold war. These western countries have been running the affairs of the world and they have come to be referred as the great seven. The author of the book ‘A brief History of the Western World’ has clearly shown the cause and effects in History. He has shown the effects that happen because of activities that took place earlier.


Works Cited:

Greer, Thomas and Lewis, Gavin. A Brief History of the Western World 9th Ed. Washington, DC: Cengage Learning, 2004. Print.



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