Graphic Organizer

Graphic Organizer

A graphic organizer is used to help students to understand the concepts that the teacher introduces to them. Graphics is like a coaching tool that gives leading instructions to students so that they may make comprehensions into comprehensible structures. An example of such a design is the spider map. The rectangle shape holds the main idea while the arrows show the tributaries of idea from the given concepts. The straight lines show how the main idea flows from the rectangle. God says; obey your parents for this is the commandment with a promise. The promise comes after a successful implementation of the command but there are other consequences if one fails to obey the whole idea is captured in the graphic organizer .Therefore, the basic concept is obedience. The main idea is to obey those in authority.

The people who can pose to be our parents are people who are older than we are. The details of what would be the consequence of not obeying are given as a tributary from the concept. The idea of using graphics is that it is easy to remember because the mind remembers the shape first, before what is read. The circles represent the consequences of obeying. The arrows represent the process of obeying .The consequences of not obeying or obeying are shown in the circle. One can gain blessings or be punished depending on the decision one has made. He can also gain the promise of lots of favor from God. The arrows show the process of making the decision to obey or not to obey. The idea of using a circle to represent consequences is to instill in children so that the circle can easily change to the other if the child makes the wrong decision (Doherty, 1996).




The map gives the students an interest in the things. The presentation of ideas makes learning something to look forward to. The reason for using this particular graphics is that it is easy to use. The reason for using colors makes it easy to differentiate what each circle stands for. The use of different shapes differentiates what each one of them stands for. This particular one will help categorize the ideas in relational matters that help them understand that each instruction has an effect and each effect has consequence. For a child, this should interpret that every decision has consequences. Children are therefore compelled to make the right decision if they want to be in the right circles. The children can add, as many circles as they want depending on their understanding of what the consequences would be if they decide to obey or not to obey. The learning is involving and fun.

The information is usually in sequential form. One input has an output with different levels of integration depending on how the comprehension is structured. The levels in this case would be the different shapes. Therefore, when one is reading of the obedience he is at the rectangle. As he gets to making of the decisions, he is in arrows. His final decisions land him on either circle. At this point, the comprehension is over and complete. The choice of the graphic organizer depends on the purpose for which it is intended. It also depends on the level of the children. Complex graphic organizer will be more helpful to children who are more advanced to avoid confusion. For instance, the comprehension follows; when I grow up, I want to be the president of this country (Westley, 2005). I will save all the children, build schools for them and pray for them. To be the president, I will work hard in school and make my parents happy.


A graphic organizer helps the teacher relate different levels of ideas to students. This acts as a build up to activities done in class to make it clearer. For instance, to show the cycle of a butterfly the graphic organizer will show the progressive stage of the cycle in a flow chart with the ascending or descending order. The break down of the cycle represented in that way helps children identify each stage very easily.











Adult emerging from chrysalis




A graphic designer helps shows the complexity of ideas. Subject with interrelation concepts that would otherwise confuse a child if he is reading the comprehension is made easier by the graphic organizer. That can be used to solve problems that need analysis. The use of graphic organizer that has a matrix approach prepares children to solve problem they experience in a more informed approach.

Listening Working hard Good results
Focus Interest Excellent performance
Discipline Respect In bound success


This kind of graphic organizer develops higher thinking level for children. They can be able to solve the matrix about the complexities of understanding different levels associated with success and exemplarily performance.






















Westley, J. (2005). Graphic Organizers: Building Comprehension Skills. Berkeley: Primary Concepts.

Doherty, S. (1996). Graphic Organizers: Teaching Learning-to-learn Skills. East Windsor Hill: Synergetic.

Bromley, K., D’Angelo, Irwin-DeVitis, L. & Modlo, M. (1995). Graphic Organizers: Visual Strategies for Active Learning. New York: Scholastic Professional Books.





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