Good Management

Good Management

Large organizations have a hierarchy in their organization that ensures that the day-to-day affairs of the organization or institution are run efficiently. The senior mangers or supervisors are engaged with the tasks of ensuring the goals, objectives and mission of the organization or institution are accomplished and in due time. This is done through directing the junior staff on the necessary course of action and making tact decisions in the process. A good manager has the ability to earn both respect and honor from his junior staff by exercising vital managerial skills that are discussed in this paper.

A good manager should be able to motivate his or her subordinate staff. It is often assumed that it is the paycheck that makes the employees report to work everyday, not to change the jobs irrespective of how the current conditions are or have splendid days at work. This is not always the case as most employees are not that one-dimensional. Constant assessment on the subordinate staff’s progress at work through asking those questions will make them feel better at work and enhance their performance. One should ask them their challenges, constantly encouraging them to be frank, and then address all the issues that they raise. Some of the common grievances could include being overworked, quality of food in the cafeteria and their general health. A good manager should be able to act on these grievances with tactfulness. Constantly appreciating their impressive performances will make them offer 120% of their effort.

A good manager should be able to delegate some of their duties to his subordinate staff. Most jacks-of-all-trades end up being masters of none. Delegation is a form of division of labor, which enhances specialization and ends up bringing about near perfect results. When the manager performs all the tasks and duties, he or she ends up overworking himself and the results are of low standards. When the subordinates are entrusted with some of these tasks, they end up being motivated by the thought that the administrator deems them worthy of such a task. This will make them put on extra effort to produce the best results and not let down the management for trusting them. Many mangers have the problem of not being able to delegate duties to their subordinates. This can however be overcome by delegating those duties that if erred upon their execution, can be easily corrected. Then after learning their strengths and weaknesses, more demanding tasks can be delegated to them.

A good manager should keep an open door policy towards his subordinates. The manger should constantly remind the subordinates that they are free to air their concerns and grievances to his office as long as it is with all due respect. The manger should assure them that they have his or her ears at all times. One should not be a manger who makes a worker feel as if he is either wasting the manger’s time or bothering him when the worker tries to bring up a grievance, question, or a concern. A manager should never dismiss any concern addressed to him by his subordinates and should take that opportunity to know the state of affairs of the institution and the welfare of the workers. The manager should ensure that the questions raised are answered or addressed fully.

A good manager should be able to learn from past mistakes. An organization system is pyramidal, meaning that all the efforts of the people below are credited the person above. This could however work to the disadvantage of the manager as far as mistakes and blunders are concerned. This that means the manager takes all the blame whenever the subordinates make mistakes. This can be prevented by carefully studying the past. A good manager should study how managers in the past have reacted to similar situations that one finds himself in and then decide on the best course of action. The managers should be able to pass some of his desirable skill and traits to their subordinates. This will help a great deal whenever he is delegating, as they will be able make decisions with the same tact as the manger and even better. This could help in minimizing the mistakes or blunders that could be made.


Works Cited

Boutall, Trevor. Good Manager’s Guide. Washington, DC: MCI. 1997. Print.

Gualco, Dean. The Good Manager: A Guide for the Twenty-First Century Manager. Bloomington, IN: iUniverse. 2010. Print.

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