Global Strategic Assessment 2009: America’s Security Role in Changing World

The wars that take place in the Middle East have significant effects on the interests of the United States of America. This prompts the United States of America to involve itself in those wars either directly or indirectly. In 1970s, America took its first security accountability in the Gulf of Persia. The US never aimed at participating directly in the region’s wars such as the Israel-Arab’s four wars. The US normally utilized other states to represent them such as the Shah of Iran and the king of Saudi Arabia. This took place especially when the region’s volatility was a threat to the US’s interests in the Persian Gulf. However, as time went by, the US was compelled to participate both actively and visibly in the Gulf region. This was as a result Iraq’s invasion on Kuwait in 1990 as well as September 11 2001 attack by terrorists in the World Trade Centre (WTC) and the Pentagon.

During 1990s years, the interests of America in Middle East were mainly to maintain a secure and continuous oil supply at a reasonable price, to give support to Israel and to curb Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) from spreading. The US also aimed at controlling Iran and Iraq (Nathan et al, 2009). America has also attempted to establish a stable and legitimate government in Iraq; however, this government faces much of opposition from the country’s citizens. This is because they want to be free from the US as well as from the central power of Baghdad. In order to have economic and political control, this government needs to formulate regulations that will enable it do so since it is regarded as being weak. Iran is a country that is faced with political and economic challenges. This is mainly because of the sanctions imposed on it by western nations due to its proposed nuclear enrichment plan. In addition, its president got into power through fraudulent means with flawed election results. The interests of the US in Iraq are similar to those in Iran.

The war in Iraq has resulted in the signing of a bilateral treat between America and Iran aimed at enhancing the relations between the two nations at the political and economic level. This was meant to end the war followed by the complete withdrawal of U.S. troops in Iraqi territory. However, the major issue to at hand was whether to create a nation that is either fundamentally democratic or Islamic. Thus, America and Iran had familiar interests in Iraq. The interests of Iran were that Iraq should form a stable and united state, which is politically and economically friendly to counter their general enemies- the US and Israel. It is the belief of Iran that it can be the leading nation, both economically and politically in the Middle East. Its desire is to be consulted in every matter and as far as it is concerned, there will be no peace and economic liberty in Iraq without it (Mebane, 1999).

From the early 1960s onwards, countries such as Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman and Qatar opted for other states outside the Middle East to guarantee their national security, while defining their security responsibilities and providing for their needs. In this manner, they followed Great Britain, which was their colonizer, to defend them against occasional invasion from neighboring hostile states. However, Saudi Arabia received its protection from America. In 1971, these states turned to the U.S for protection following the Great Britain’s withdrawal rescinding of their initial treaty. The US provided security in order to acquire oil, arms and to invest in them.

The US has tried to bring to an end the Israel-Arabs conflict. There is cooperation between Israel and the US to train and equip the Palestinian security by America. The US plays a significant role in the security matters of the region making Syria to insist on the US’s engagement in an active responsibility. Assad’s inspiration was to restore good relations with the United States of America. It is important to note that the decree of the conflict involving Israelites and Arabs is of high significance to the general security of America.

Successive administrations of the United States have focused on the economic and political stability of Gulf region mainly due to the great economic interest it has in the region because of its vast oil reserves, which provide energy for its industrial economy. In fact, no American government has disregarded the implication of the process of peace between Israel and Palestine. US governments have paid keen attention to the major concerns of the region including Palestine’s statehood, boundaries and settlements. This serves to lessen pressures and recover time. However, the provisional and incomplete accords have not brought about adequate assurance on both sides but rather brought more mistrust between them. In addition, they have Syria included to facilitate changing of behavior.

Washington’s interest remains to maintain stable inter-administration dealings. However, the United States of America has resolved to make good governance a matter of less importance in order to secure the cooperation of the nations. Hence, there is likelihood of associating America with unpopular states. Due to this, the US’s security interests are complicated by a number of ways. Foremost, intergovernmental security relations are attained but are likely to be a humiliation and thus out of favor with the local administrations. Second, America is more likely to take part in the region’s politics unsuspectingly. Third, America could get involved in missions of authority because what separated authority from interests of security has long disappeared.

In order to bring forth peace in Middle East and the world at large, the U.S. has isolated Syria from Iran. In addition, it has paid attention to back up the cooperation and separation between Iraq, Iran and the neighboring countries in the Gulf (Westel & Fairlie, 2008). Finally, the United States of America has concentrated on the pursuit of joint options of defense as well as efficient preclusion concurrently. All these American endeavors to intervene and to bring peace in the Middle East and the world at large are in the interest of the US and the whole world. For instance, if there is terrorism in the world, the US interests will be jeopardized. In addition, it will be an obstacle for the US to attain their diverse goals. Consequently, the U.S. protects its interests through various initiatives geared towards conflict resolution (Heineman, 2009).





American Political Science Association, JSTOR (Organization) (2006). Political science, Volume 7. American Political Science Association.

Mebane W. R. (1999). Political Analysis: An Annual Publication of the Methodology Section of the American Political Science Association, Volume 7. University of Michigan Press.

Nathan. J, Murhaf. J., Daniel. C. K. and Omer, T. (2009). The greater Middle East; Strategic Change from:

Robert A. Heineman. (2009). Political science: an introduction College to political science.

Westel, W.W. & Fairlie J. A., (2008). The American political science review, Volume 14.


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