Film & Theater Studies

Question 1

David Huxley’s clothing problems effect on his gender and identity throughout Bringing up Baby film are seen the first time he attempts to understand his identity. He tries on clothes that make him look more masculine but still do not suit him. At some point, he awkwardly tries on the feminine robe that serves to make him irritated. The camera does not however give emphasis to his female identity. On the other hand, Susan’s garments construct her gender and identity. She has the dress-like lab coat, the dress-train-like long tail tuxedo and the purse thus her uniqueness is boosted all along till the conclusion of the film.

Question 2

Camera angle and distance turn out to be meaningful devices because of their participation in outlining differences in story settings. In the Bringing up Baby movie, there is entire visual vocabulary change towards the end, it is often done in an attempt to view low or high angle shots from the relation to that particular angle to the other angles used in the beginning of film. Visual naturalism style being conventional, reserved and unaffected changes the tone of the film through interplay of words and gestures between characters. If the entire film was taken at a naturalistic angle, the subject may have been distorted due to unrecognizable layout by the viewer because of seclusion and alteration of cinematography, visual awareness and physical traits of the perceived external reality of the movie setting.

Question 3

The end of world war had an impact on increasing diversity trends. Past comedies by people like Charlie Chaplain and Joe E. Brown did not include romance as a theme in their works. After the commencement of post war era, most individuals could interact freely with an aim of peace creation thus comedians were left to figure out the possible tastes change to suit the entertainment arena from screwball  to romantic comedy. The historic context that greatly contributed to this change was the widespread movements and intercultural merges. According to DiBattista, soldiers who were part in the Second World War (1939-1945) experienced diversified culture shocks.

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