Ecstasy and Today’s Youth

Ecstasy and Today’s Youth

Introductory section

Thesis: Addiction to drugs among youths has skyrocketed in the past years. There has been a high transition rate on use of major drugs to new youthful users. Every youth has a peculiar reason for being addicted to drugs. In spite of the differences in the initial igniter to the drugs, the ultimate impacts of the drugs are always tragic. Some combinations such as teens and steroids or teens and ecstasy contain very serious negative impacts to the users. Use of drugs among the youths depicts practical realizations on how to deal with depression. The use of ecstasy among youths is associated with the many challenges that they face in their stage of growth. For instance, becoming a truly independent person among the youths is one of the greatest challenges. In fact, it is a deadly gamble that youths get involved with the use of ecstasy. The combination of ecstasy with other drugs such as alcohol leads to such dangerous consequences.

Section One

Claim: Various claims about the influencing factors for the abuse ecstasy among the youths have been addressed. The most of the influential factors is the fact that there are various challenges that youths go through during their stage of transition into adults from childhood (Redhead, 2007).

Evidence:  As the challenges persist, the youths are lured into participating in the use of drugs. Ecstasy abuse among the youths has not been on a high rate for the past years. However, reports from the Drug Abuse Warning Network reveal that the use has been extensive during the recent years. In fact, the use ecstasy has skyrocketed since the late 1990s. For instance, it is estimated that 300,000 new users were recorded in the year 1995. The number increased to almost 2 million new users in 2000. The National Household Survey on Drug Abuse reported that 12 percent of 12th graders, 8 percent of 10th graders and 4 percent of the 8th graders surveyed had used ecstasy in the previous year. As the popularity of ecstasy spreads, teenagers are inclined into the use from within their own homes (Connor, 2006). The popularity is mainly as a result of the peer influence that teenagers have been getting on the benefits of using the drug. There are cases where teens have been introduced into the abuse of ecstasy by their peers with the advice that it will give them a great high of their lives. They have also been told that it is safe, cool and that the drug only affects negatively those who misuse it.

Section Two

Claim: All the information that youths have obtained about the use of ecstasy is untrue. It is such a dangerous gamble for the youths to indulge in the abuse of ecstasy. The impacts on the use of ecstasy are atrocious.

Evidence: When growing kids use ecstasy, the impacts are very devastating (Bennett, 2009). Ecstasy is officially known for its chemical abbreviation MDMA. It is a synthetic drug that is capable of producing stimulant and hallucinogenic effects. Other names of the drug are ‘E’, ‘X’, ‘XTC’, ‘go’ and ‘the hug drug’. It usually comes in form of a small tablet normally taken orally. Most of the users usually get a feeling of extreme euphoria and physical pleasure. The temporal relieve of inhibitions and anxieties give a user a sense of empathy and emotional closeness with other people (Bennett, 2009). There is also an increased sexual feeling, which is very dangerous for the youths. Thus, teens under the influence of ecstasy use may make sexual decisions they would otherwise not have the guts to make had they not been under the influence. The high from ecstasy may last between four to six hours. During this period, need to eat, drink or sleep is suppressed; a major lure for youths attending night dances as well as all-night parties (Malbon, 1999). All these suppressions and impacts are negative for these members of the youth.

Section Three

Claim: There are immediate dangers that come as a result of the use of ecstasy among the youths.

Evidence: The biological impacts and medical impacts are mostly as a result of mixing it with other drugs such as alcohol. In fact, ecstasy’s shot-term side effects are extremely atrocious (Connor, 2006). The drug interferes with the crucial chemical functions of the brain. The drug has the ability to scramble the temperature signals of the body to the brain, thereby becoming an increasing cause of hypothermia, dehydration, and heat stroke- mostly for the youths exerting themselves with dancing. Some of the most harmful and frightening effects of ecstasy use include high blood pressure, blurred vision, muscle cramping, confusion, faintness as well as panic attacks.

Section Four

First view: It may be difficult for the youths who have engaged themselves in the use of ecstasy to quit the terrible habit (Mueller, 1999).

Opposing view: However, some youngsters with vast experience in the teen’s drugs addictions succeed in quitting from ecstasy use. Nevertheless, majority of the youths usually find it difficult stopping the habit.

Response on the view: Majority of the youths who use ecstasy develop a dependency towards the drug. The worst-case scenario is when the youngster’s life is placed into complete jeopardy. Because of a continued use of ecstasy, the weak character of the youthful stage offers new viewpoints to the problems associated with the stage. Treatment of the addictions of youths’ use of the ecstasy can be treated through immediate interventions of professionals- this is indispensable for effective treatment. The need for rightful expert counseling and information dissemination about the use of ecstasy is paramount for successful suppression on the use. The belief that wrong use of ecstasy use leads to death and not the side effects is the biggest challenge for anti-ecstasy crusade. Proper information can resolve this stalemate.

Works Cited

Bennett, M. Ecstasy: A Deadly Gamble for Today’s Youth. National PTA. 2009. Retrieved on December 15, 2009 from

Connor, T., Connelly, D. & Kelly, P. Teen’s Drugs Addictions – a Serious Problem with Today’s Youth. Elsevier Science. 2006. Retrieved on December 15, 2009 from

Malbon, B. Clubbing: dancing, ecstasy and vitality. New York, NY: Routledge Publishers. 1999.

Mueller, W. Understanding Today’s Youth Culture. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 1999

Redhead, S. Rave off: politics and deviance in contemporary youth culture. Branford, CT: Avebury Publishers. 2007


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