Discovery Paper

Discovery Paper

The impact of technology on contemporary life and ethnicity is an important aspect in the modern world. Significant hypotheses and artistic studies attempt to link the arts and technology in an interdisciplinary hunt for appropriate ideas and frameworks with which one can understand the trendy ways of human life. It is worth noting that technological advancements and research have grown to be critical centers of cultural progress thus making it essential for artists to become dynamic in monitoring and shaping their tools for easier and faster delivery. Based on this, it is evident that the much devotion that has been provided to art, emerging technological and scientific inventions are making the life of human beings easy and more pleasant (Highton, 2003).

The relationship between art and technology is inseparable in the sense that the hybrid world of culture places great importation of ideas which results to emerging technologies. In addition, it is evident that technology has played a great role in shaping and guiding art as a discipline. The word ‘technology’ refers to any mechanical or electronic piece of equipment that is devised and utilized as a means of artificially reproducing and disseminating images and information. One can say that the surfacing technological development has provided artists globally with means of making multiple reproductions of designs and ideas (Candy & Edmonds, 2002).

On the other hand, an artist is an inventive mastermind whose vision is to utilize the special talent to promote awareness of important innovations, which are meant to improve services and save time. Researches that are carried on day-to-day basis are meant to aid artists defining better ways of improving the current technology and come up with more skills of art for creation of newer technologies. Based on this, new fields of expertise have emerged which include electronic media, biomedical technologies, military and law enforcement advancements among many others (Candy & Edmonds, 2002).

Virtual photography is one of the most admirable products of artistic progress. It can be described as a type of picture making activity where the latest technological innovation of virtual truth is applied. Artistic designs in this field include a process where an image is created as more interactive and clear. An image captured in virtual photography has a wider view up to 360 degrees, an expansion that the human eye is not able contact. Photo editing forms part of the latest technologies in art and involve modifying the images in accordance to an individual’s tastes and preferences. The program allows an individual to adjust the settings such as color, brightness among other numerous options. Moreover, it incorporates cutting and cropping images and merging them with others from other sources to form new graphic images.

In digital photography, so many benefits have emerged since film cameras paved way for digital ones. There are compelling benefits associated to both, the most visible one being the image quality of digital cameras increases and their prices decrease. in terms color balance, the film camera is different in that it requires matching of the available film type to lightning and utilization of color correction filters whereas the digital counterparts have in built auto white balancing and normally sufficient color correction filters which work efficiently even under mixed lightning. However, in the field of view, the film camera strikes an advantage over the digital in that it posses a full field of view as compared to the limited field of view with the same lenses (Highton, 2003).

Recent technological improvements have seen the resolution of the digital cameras become limited to full page or less reproduction with exceptions for high-end varieties. This means that the workflow can stitch or assemble to other digital gadgets like laptops thus no scanning of images is required. Meanwhile, the resolution for the film cameras remains very fine depending on the film used meaning that if poor quality is used, the product will be poor as well. It is observable that film cameras can be used for creation of wall sized panoramic prints that show fine detail. However, these gadgets can not e connected to laptops and computers thus scanning slows down postproduction speed, add costs as well as distorting the image further (Highton, 2003).

In the field of stitching technologies, digital cameras enjoy considerable high quality and resolution possible. There is a variety of software authoring applications accessible, which can be accessed and viewed on any processor while film cameras necessitate 8-12 photos for each panorama and extra for multi-row panes. It is worth noting that cubic viewing requires that viewers be in possession of fresh versions of applicable software installed. The difference discussed thus calls for a differentiation in price of the gadgets with digital ones emerging more expensive than film cameras. Lastly, another visible difference because of technological progress in photography is that film cameras demand annual license charges for software use and in addition, they require special fisheye lenses to shoot posing limited maximum resolution as compared to digital cameras (Highton, 2003).

The benefits of virtual photography are numerous. It is evident that digital cameras are the recent ideal mode of utilizing all the features of pleasant image capture since technology available allows the use of a conventional film camera that can transfer individual’s negatives to the digital field. For example, many photo studios currently tender the services of moving film negatives to disks. Nevertheless, when one is not certain about engaging in digital photography, converting film negatives is a better way of learning the marvels of digital photography since there are no extra costs of investing in new cameras (Candy & Edmonds, 2002).

In conclusion, one can comfortably endorse digital photography  since technological improvement have made it more affordable and a means of  making magnificent photos within the financial plans of consumers thus saving on developmental costs. Furthermore, virtual technology in photography can be viewed as an efficient marketing device since in the modern world the majority of the virtual galleries are e-commerce allowed, which implies that potential customers can browse, order and buy from the designated sites using credit cards from any location of the world.


Candy, L., & Edmonds, E. A. (2002). Explorations in art and technology, (1st Ed) Carter, OK: Springer

Highton, S. (2003) Film vs. Digital for Panorama Capture, Retrieved March 2005, from

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