Counseling Process

Counseling Process

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Counseling Process

The Council for the CACREP has issued a series of guidelines to regulate counseling practices that it expects all stakeholders to follow when providing counselling services to clients. Prior to the formation of CACREP, the ACES (Association for Counselor Education and Supervision) had developed a series of guidelines and documents that permit the agency and other organizations to perform voluntary counselling in the most suitable manner. It was until ACES partnered with the APGA (American Personnel and Guidance Association) that CACREP was established in 1981 (CACREP, 2021). The paper is about the key factors to consider when offering counseling services to achieve impressive outcomes. It reminds counselors to consider the human nature, know their roles and that of their clients, and work based on goals and objectives. The study urges therapists to consider fostering their relationship with clients and to employ the most suitable theories. The intervener must consider possible limitations associated with the selected theories and know what the culture perceive about the frameworks. Effective adherence to all recommended plans increases the chances of achieving the targeted goals and objectives in a counseling process.

The View of Human Nature

In counseling and in accordance with the provisions of CACREP, the human nature is perceived and viewed through primary assumptions of diverse counseling techniques or theories in perceiving the way humans behave, feel, and think about their self and others. Furthermore, the counseling practice contend that instead of perceiving people as fundamentally flawed, with problematic views and behaviors that need attention and mitigation, individual-centered therapeutic practices recognizes that each individual has the ability and urge for personal change and growth (CACREP, 2021). Other thinkers including proposals by the Rogerian theory refer to human nature in counseling as an idea that signifies the vital dispositions and features, encompassing way of acting, feeling, and thinking that human are believed to possess naturally. Often, human nature is compared with human qualities that differ among communities and societies, such as those related to particular cultural groups (CACREP, 2021). Thus, all counselors should first understand the concept of human nature before and while offering counseling services.

Functions and Roles of the Counselor

A counselor plays many functions and roles and each practitioner should understand what is required of them to achieve the targeted goals. One of the fundamental roles of the counselor is to help one or more clients to realize a change in attitude or behavior (CACREP, 2021). Besides, a counselor has an obligation to help their clients achieve their goals and to help them get relevant assistance that would alleviate their problem. For example, a client may direct a client who present health-related issues to a suitable health facility where they can get assistance on how to deal with the problem. Similarly, a counselor can guide a person on how to relate others who may help them deal with particular disturbing issues (CACREP, 2021). For instance, a counselor may urge their clients to speak to their parents or other elderly people about their problem if the practitioner thinks that would help. In other situations, the role of the counselor entails offering spiritual guidance, promoting effective communication practices, and fostering social skills (CACREP, 2021). However, a specialist only gets to provide the needed services in the most effective manner when they understand what their roles require and when they have adequate skills on how to engage in the practice.

Client’s Role in the Counseling Process

Other than the counselor who plays fundamental roles during the counseling process, clients have a responsibility to play so that the process can be prosperous. Clients have the duty to offer adequate information about their problem or ailment, to allow adequate evaluation and intervention. Also, clients have a duty to ask relevant questions to adequately understand particular problems or conditions about their situation (CACREP, 2021). It is also the duty of the client to be respectful to the therapist to build good relationship; otherwise the process may not progress as effectively as anticipated. The client also has an obligation to inform the therapist should the condition worsen because this may help to change the intervention plan and possibly deal with the matter in the most effective manner. Another role of the client is to share other fundamental details with the counselor, including agreeing on a suitable data for another meeting (CACREP, 2021). Consequently, it is easier to achieve the desired objectives when the client knows their roles and responsibilities in the process rather than when they are not familiar with what is needed of them.

Goals and Objectives of the Counseling Process

Counselors while performing their duties should aspire to achieve certain goals and objectives. Overall, goal setting is essential for those who aspire to enhance the quality of their life and that of others. Furthermore, setting goals allows one to be accountable for the things they aspire to attain. Setting goals is even more imperative for those offering counseling and therapeutic services and when an intervener cannot set goals properly they are likely to fail in their activities. As a counselor, it is one’s duty to set goals and objectives with the client (Eremie & Margaret, 2016). One of the primary goals of the counseling process should be to facilitate behavioral change and possibly help the client overcome their tribulation. Another goal of the counseling process is to help enhance their client’s capacity to both build and maintain relationships, as well as to assist the client improve their effectiveness and capacity to put up with disturbing situations (Eremie & Margaret, 2016). Another goal and objective of the counseling process is to help enhance decision-making while enhancing client’s potential. More fundamentally, the counseling process should aim and promoting the client’s development by ensuring that they get over their current problem and improve significantly.

Nature of the Counseling Relationship with Clients

A counselor is likely to achieve the targeted goals and objectives in a counseling process by adequately developing the relationship with their clients; otherwise the process may not yield the anticipated outcomes. The unique form of therapeutic relationship a counselor forms with their client implies that it is different from those relationship people build and maintain in other settings. The relationship between a counselor and their client should be impartial and should not be influenced or impacted by past happenings and should also not be based on biased aspects, feelings or judgements that can be related to other relationships in the real world (Eremie & Margaret, 2016). In addition to being impartial, counselors and the client should consider other critical elements that would contribute towards building a stable relationship. For example, the intervener should handle the client with empathy, which is the capacity to relate with and comprehend the client’s objectives, feelings and situation. The relationship should also be based on respect and genuineness. In addition, both parties should maintain congruence and trust as key elements of a therapeutic relationship to achieve impressive outcomes (Eremie & Margaret, 2016). Both parties into a therapeutic process must acknowledge that as with other social relationships, the relationship in a therapeutic process has limitations that help to formulate appropriate and inappropriate practices and behaviors. 

Techniques and Methods to Employ

The most suitable techniques in this case should be based on family systems theory and cognitive behavioral theory (CBT). The family systems theory implies that it is difficult to understand individuals in isolation from others, but is easier to understand them as part of their family. Consequently, the counseling process will refer to the family members of a client as a fundamental aspect of the whole intervention (Brown, n.a.). For example, the intervener would ask members of the family certain questions about the client and find out how their relationship or position in the family contribute or impact on their condition. The practice will also rely on CBT, which implies that people sensations, emotions, and thoughts are interconnected, and that what people do and think impact on the way they feel (Kristina & Byrne, 2013 Kristina & Byrne, 2013 Kristina & Byrne, 2013 Kristina & Byrne, 2013). Consequently, the theory will encourage the client to always think positively and avoid thoughts that may affect their well-being. Both theory is applicable because they to guide therapists in different situations.

Applications and Limitations of the Approach to Counseling

Family systems therapy and CBT have limitations that therapists must consider during their application. The family systems therapy, for example, is contentious because it obscures the significance of socio-economic disadvantage, prejudice, and cultural variations concerning issues such as boundaries, family objectives, and rules and regulations (Brown, n.a.). On the other hand, CBT is disadvantageous because one needs to be committed to the process to achieve the most from it (Kristina & Byrne, 2013). For example, whereas a therapist may offer relevant advice, one must be cooperative to achieve the best out of the process.

Cultural Consideration Regarding Theory Use

Various cultures have welcomed the use of various theories that aid counseling practices, including family systems theory and CBT. Consequently, it would be easier to deploy them while anticipating good results. Therefore, the intervener should be able to apply the theories in the most effective manner and in a way that comply with cultural expectations. Otherwise, engaging in contrary practices may result in significant opposition and possible failure.

Reason for Choosing the Theory

The primary reason for choosing family systems theory and CBT is that they have helped to deal with therapeutic cases in the most suitable manner. For example, family systems therapy has been proven to be suitable with individuals, couples, and families (Brown, n.a.). The approach also proves to be effective in handling a variety of conditions. CBT, on the other hand, is beneficial because it helps to restore hope about deteriorating conditions and because it promotes self-esteem (Kristina & Byrne, 2013). Thus, an intervener should find ways of using both techniques in the most effective manner.


The study provides valuable information about key factors to consider when offering counseling services. It informs about the human nature and shows the importance of respecting this aspect when offering counseling services. The study reveals that both the counselor and the client have roles and responsibilities that if attended to adequately helps to achieve the targeted goals and objectives. The paper shows how both the therapist and the client must deploy certain factors to maintain appropriate relationship; otherwise the process may not progress as expected. The paper illustrates how deploying concepts of the family systems theory and CBT presents a better chance to achieve the targeted goals, although it is imperative to consider possible limitations associated with the process. Moreover, the study shows the significance of considering potential cultural perceptions regarding the use of these theories. However, applying these two theories is likely to foster success because their use in many contexts has promoted the realization of targeted goals.


Brown, J. (n.a.). Bowen family systems theory and practice: Illustration and critique. Retrieved November 15, 2021, from

CACREP. (2021). About CACREP. Retrieved November 15, 2021, from

Eremie, M., & Margaret, K. (2016). Review of selected counselling theories and assumptions of human nature. International Journal of Innovative Psychology & Social Development, 4(4), 1-5.

Kristina, M., & Byrne, M. (2013). The key principles of cognitive behavioural therapy. InnovAiT: Education and Inspiration for General Practice,

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