Contribution in Distributed Environments

Contribution in Distributed Environments

Distributed environments are mostly considered as organizations that have multiple geographically distributed work sites. These may include professional services firms that operate around the world.

These are phenomena which have to be keenly looked at as organizations expand to other countries. They provide many advantages to an organization which is in its growing stages or even if it is an extensive organization (Goodman and Darr, 1998).

Contribution is mainly done through information technology. This is the fastest way to share information. This is done through e-mail, voice-mail and corporate databases. Contribution can also be used destructively. However, there exist challenges to sharing information. Geographical distances must be taken into account as one of the main challenges.

Contribution is not only for information sharing and distribution but can also be used as a tool of communication in the higher levels of the organizations. A manager who is in the parent company can communicate company policy to a manager in a subsidiary overseas company.

It provides leverage in the human resource of an organization. This is by ensuring that the skill level is uniform within the organization (Goodman and Darr, 1998). In case an employee leaves the company, another one can be taken in holding capacity to a company overseas.

An employee in a far away country can enquire on a work related issue where he or she is not very conversant. This can save costs which could be used in researching the issue.

There must be some form of control in the communication process. Leaving it to the employees alone can be a waste of resources used to set up the system (Goodman and Darr, 1998).




Goodman S, Darr M, (1998), Knowledge Management Systems Information and Communication Technologies, Springer Publishing.


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