Clive’s Crafty Supplies

Preparation and Presentation of Financial Records

Debtors Ledger:

Hanson Account

Debits                                   £                           Credits                                               £

Aug 1        bal b/f             560                        Aug 15        bank                           532

                               Aug 15        discount allowed          28  

   560                                                                               560

Nichols Account

Debits                                   £                           Credits                                               £

Aug 1        bal b/f            2520                       Aug 15          bank                         2926

Aug 4         sales               560                        Aug 15          discount allowed       154

3080                                                                               3080

Optix Account

Debits                                   £                           Credits                                               £

Aug 4         sales                784                       Aug 11        return inwards            224

Aug 15         bank                             532

Aug 15        discount allowed          28

 784                                                                               784

Barties ltd Account

Debits                                   £                           Credits                                               £

Aug 4         sales                 1092

Aug 9         sales                  308               Aug 29       bal c/d                       1400

1400                                                                        1400

Simpson Account

Debits                                   £                           Credits                                               £

Aug 4          sales                1372                   Aug 11             return inwards         252

Aug 15             bank                       1064

                           Aug 15            discount allowed       56

1372                                                                          1372

Denby Account

Debits                                   £                           Credits                                               £

Aug 4           sales               672                     Aug 29            bal c/d                  672

Garfield Account

Debits                                   £                           Credits                                               £

Aug 4            sales              1652                    Aug 29            bal c/d                   1652

Joe Penson Account

Debits                                   £                           Credits                                               £

Aug 9               sales           938                        Aug 29            bal c/d                  938

Sales Account


Debits                                   £                           Credits                                               £

Aug 4                    Nichols                560

Aug 4                    Optix                   784

Aug 4                   Barties ltd             1092

Aug 4                  Simpson                 1372

Aug 4                   Denby                    672

Aug 4                   Garfield                1652

Aug 9                  Barties ltd               308

Aug 29         bal c/d              7378               Aug 9             Joe Penson                   938

7378                                                                      7378

Creditors Ledger:

Bennett Account

Debits                                   £                           Credits                                               £

Aug 1             bal b/f                   840

Aug 23           bank             1120                Aug 3           purchases                      280

1120                                                                       1120

Ronson Account

Debits                                   £                           Credits                                               £

Aug 23            bank            2800      Aug 1               bal b/f                  2800

Harmison Account

Debits                                   £                                 Credits                                               £

Aug 29    bal cld                  784                     Aug 3            purchases                  784

Gensen Account

Debits                                   £                           Credits                                               £

Aug 29    bal b/d                 380                    Aug 3               purchases              380

Lazzard Account

Debits                                   £                           Credits                                               £

Aug 3                purchases              966

Aug 16     return outwards 126

Aug 23           bank              840

 966                                                                       966

John Jessup Account

Debits                                   £                           Credits                                               £

Aug 29         bal b/d            1246                    Aug 18              purchase               1246

Better Supplies Account


Debits                                   £                           Credits                                               £

Aug 29        bal b/d             1008                     Aug 18              purchase              1008

Purchases Account


Debits                                   £                           Credits                                               £

Aug 3          Bennet               280

Aug 3          lazzard               966

Aug 3           Gensen               380

Aug 3            Harmison            784

Aug 18         John Jessup       1246

Aug 18          Better supplies   1008                Aug 29                bal c/d               4664

4664                                                                   4664



Nominal Ledger:

Premises Account

Debits                                   £                           Credits                                               £

Aug 1         bal b/f             280000               Aug 29                 bal c/d               280000

Van Account

Debits                                   £                           Credits                                               £

Aug 1         bal b/f             6300

Aug 12        Eastleigh         4200                   Aug 29                  bal c/d              10500

10500                                                                        10500

Cash Account

Debits                                   £                           Credits                                               £

Aug 1          bal b/f            630                     Aug 8            drawings                    280

Aug 5          van service      182                     Aug 29           bal c/d                      532

812                                                                           812

Bank Account

Debits                                   £                           Credits                                               £

Aug 1           bal b/f           17556                   Aug 2      Hassle Holdings              210

Aug 12     Insurance                       630

Aug 23      Bennett                         120

Hanson                          560

Lazzard                         840

Aug 24        wages                           784

Aug 25         business rates               924

Aug 29          Eastleigh                    4200

                             Aug 29          bal c/d                       10102

17556                                                                        17556

Hassle Holdings Account

Debits                                   £                           Credits                                               £

Aug 2          bank                210                       Aug 29       bal c/d                        210

Capital Account

Debits                                   £                           Credits                                               £

Aug 1           cash                           630

Bank                          17556

Aug 29      bal c/d             36232                                       Stock                       18046

36232                                                                        36232

Trial Balance before end adjustments as at 1st August 2009

Particulars                      debit £                          credit   £

Bank                               17556

Cash                                630

Van                                  6300

Premises                           280000

Inventory                            18046

Fixtures                               8400

Capital                                                                      330372

Debtors                              3080

Creditors                                                                    3640

Totals                               334012                              334012


Trial Balance after adjustments as at 31st August 2009

Particulars                      debit £                          credit   £

Bank                                  10102

Cash                                    168

Premises                           280000

Van                                   10325

Fixtures                             8225

Inventory                           18046

Better supplies                                                        1008

John Jossup                                                              1246

Gensen                                                                      380

Harmision                                                                  784

Capital                                                                      330372

Depreciation                                                              350

Discount allowed                                                        266

Joe Penson                         938

Barties ltd                          1400

Sales                                                                         7378

Purchases                           4644

Return inwards                    476

Return outwards                                                          126 

Totals                                  341910                             341910


Income Statement as at 31st August 2009(£)

Sales                                                                                                 7378

Less: return inwards                                 (476)

Less cost of sales:

Opening stock            18046

Purchases                   4664

Less: return outwards           (126)

Less: closing stock                 (14200)             8384

Gross loss                                                                                          -880

Less: expenses

Wages                                         784

Business rates                              924

Insurance                                     630

Van service                                   280

Rent                                             210                                                (2828)

Gross loss                                                                                           -3708


Balance Sheet as at 31st August 2009

Fixed Assets          cost                 Acc. Depreciation             Net Book Value

Premises              280000                     –                                   280000

Fixtures                 8400                     175                                  8225

Vans                      10500                     175                                10325

Current Assets;                                                                        298550

Stock                     14200

Debtors                  2338

Insur. Prepayment    577.5

17115.5                                                    17115.5

Current Liabilities:

Creditors                   3418

Telephone accruals      168                                                       (3586)


Financed by:

Capital                      315787.5

Drawings                      (280)

Gross loss                   (3708)                                                    312079.5

Sage Accounting Package

            Sage accounting package is software designed to solve accounting problems more easily, faster and more efficiently than manual calculations. Sage unlike manual way does additional tasks like payroll, personnel, forecasting and contact management. Sage accounting packages are designed differently to concur with different applications. The more functions and complex the sage is the higher the functions it performs unlike the manual way, which is similar in all cases. There is sage accounting package designed for small business, medium-sized and large business and corporations. Sage accounting package is therefore highly regarded than the manual way because people are even using computers more.


Clive seems to be improving in the sales of his business as he supplies and orders more goods as the month matures. The increase in the sales of Clive’s business shows an expansion in his market scope. Clive however has a problem of learning his business with more debts than the liquid cash. Clive has been accumulating debts with creditors as he sells most of his products to debtors on loan. Clive’s debtors do not respond well in the payment of goods sold to them on credit. Clive seems to be selling his goods at low profit rate and the discounts allowed lowers the profit more.

Clive’s business is making a loss, as it is hard for him to budget for his expenses and profits as most of the stock is purchased on credit and sold on credit. The selling of many goods on credit is dangerous to business as it reduces the working capital. Clive also has purchased another van irrespective of low working capital in the business. For Clive to solve these problems he should try to get rid of debts. I can advice Clive to shorten the time allowed for debts. Clive can also promote cash sales by offering his customers cash discounts and not at later payments.

Clive should also try to purchase goods on cash on delivery to ensure the business runs on its own capital. Clive can achieve this by maybe selling the old van to increase his working capital. If Clive can be able to do get rid of large debts and ensure good record keeping he can be able to generate more incomes than expenses. The good records will ensure that Clive will control any constraints, as it will be easy to identify them.















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